Yes yes - no NMoms in the hospital. A friend had the same problem with her Mother. When they wheeled her into delivery, she was on a fetal monitor and when her mother came into her room the moms and babies heart rate would jump. first the nurses told Nmom to wait outside. She told them she doesn't take orders from nurses. They got the doctor. first the dr asked her to "wait outside" and when she refused, he told her she was risking the baby. Nmom called the dr a liar so he showed her the monitor with the ticker running. she still refused. he just turned to the nurse and said get security. she was escorted out all while my friend was in labor and was not allowed permission to even enter the hospital without written permission from the doctor. Nism at its worst, she never once cared about how my friend (her daughter) felt, she just wanted her way. ugh.
And, yes, yes, yes to twins!