Author Topic: My update.. and other thoughts!  (Read 3259 times)


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My update.. and other thoughts!
« on: July 08, 2010, 10:02:43 AM »
My update, 1 year, 3 months and 11 days after the car hit me!.. at least it wasn't a WMD!

My wonderful physical therapist began, for the second time with me, in January, this year. When the end of April was nigh, I had the feeling that the funding for her would be cut, and it was. I now have her on Contract with me, and I pay $600-$800.00/mo….to be added to my claim. …for reference, she was with me July, Aug and ½ Sept last year and was cut, as “I was able to do my own exercising”…what a Rip. I wasn’t even healed and that began after the 3rd surgery in November…. My lawyer came down hard on  the Insurance Rep, as he has done any time he sees injustice!

Think of this: “Justice in an Inherent Right”.

The therapy strengthened my left thigh muscles in increments that offset the pain, until I finally realized that any ‘pain’ was due to internal pressure from my descending colon (forget the thread on bodily functions----Ha!)  which is in the same area as was the removed ball of my femur. (Sure! No big deal. Take my body parts and toss into the garbage!) My days were alternatively spent ‘ridding pain’ then exercise, for Sunday through Friday, leaving me only ONE day to myself! My social life is nil!

The twitches and shakes that began immediately on the roadside, Mar 27/09, are still present. They are very disruptive, and when I finally had my car back on the road (May/10) I was better able to make and keep my appointments. I saw a Neurologist and his report, back to my doctor, after a back x-ray, plus a copy to me, stated that he had never seen this before so it was ‘voluntary’, not ‘pathological’! I am incensed!!! I am not a liar, and these twitches are from leg pain, i.e now moving my leg from one level to another, floor to bed, from ‘chair up and over into the tub, and from garage floor up and into the car..(so how is the leg connected to the face?....fair enough question!… let's investigate and get it into the Medical Journals.)...and shakes are only at home while sleeping, on my back and the pressure hits my 41 year old Harrington Rods in my back…. brought on by pain caused from the Insurance Co. Rep saying I needed a trapeze for sitting up and transferring to my ‘chair, left arm only, and back into bed, right arm only and, after a bit, the back and forth was like working a cork from a bottle,….POP!…went the top of my Rods and then the shakes….now how do I replicate that in a 15-20 minute Dr. visit.??? I cannot. It happens at home!

I went to a Walk-In Clinic to another M.D. and he saw what was happening and suggested a follow up with my Dr. and another referral to perhaps a Neurosurgeon, not just the Neurologist…. who told me he ‘doesn’t do spines’.

My M.D. and the Neurologist are damned Narcissists!!!!!  They know it all and pay no attention to what I say is happening with my body! No one lives in it but me!

(How about BP CEO Hayward calling the US citizens, “small people”? )

My nightmares haven’t ceased over all this time and I’ve finally reached a point whereby my mind has been suffering, which I believe makes the nightmares continue.

My sister was here from Ontario, for 7 days and nights, in late April, did all the cooking, (unfortunately against to what my system was accustomed,) performed Reflexology and Reiki, and cleaned my apartment to the “T”….not allowed by the Insurance Co., i.e. windows and knick-knacks…. WOW it looked great, and…I can now do all my own stuff as before except for high and low reaching…which my therapist does (but I didn’t ask her to retrieve the dead body of the moth behind my china cabinet.)

Basic priority is ‘rid the pain’ and exercise…… then call all my doctors liars! I expect another 4-5-6 months of therapy, but she will tell me when I have plateaued, then the claim goes in, with FIVE strikes against the Insurance Co… I doubt they want this in Court, as it will be publicized….out of Court, the public doesn’t know about “their inhumanity to man“.

So this is my story and I’ll bet there are many more whereby the almighty buck is wor$hipped by the Corporations, without a thought to the ‘regular guy’.

My heart goes out to the clean-up people re the Oil Spill, who are volunteering their time, or paid, I don’t know, but.. their lives are already endangered and, just like the Exxon Valdez crews, will all die a premature death.

I realize that as a Canadian I ought to not be speaking against the USA, but all this time at home, doing nothing but research, makes my condition very small personally, but just as large as what lies in store for this earth, and we little people as a whole. Most news comes re USA and I am now ashamed to be a Canadian after all I have read--you know the Internet is the only place left for free speech and truth debates--certainly not Rupert Murdoch’s media.

With Israel and its Mother, the USA, eye-balling Iran, I fear WW III and I want my doctor to give me a cyanide capsule to bite when the big boom comes, as I feel so helpless!

WOW! I am losing it!…….for damned sure!

God Bless us All! and nuke only the Narcissists!

Izzy (Who is thinking of her daughter and grandchildren, who still have lives to live!)

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: My update.. and other thoughts!
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2010, 11:27:03 AM »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: My update.. and other thoughts!
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2010, 07:12:11 PM »
Hum, yeah, the current events on this little planet we call earth are not inspiring to say the least.

I like Canada, the people seem really nice, friendly and environmentally aware, sometimes I'm embarrassed to be an American, oh well.


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Re: My update.. and other thoughts!
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2010, 12:14:23 AM »
Izzy, may your settlement come soon and may it be HUGE.

much love to you, girl...sending love and white light and encouraging whispers every time you have to move through pain...

I wish I could lift it away.

I would like to float up beside you and give you strength.

Your daily journey from bed to back is a hero's climb to me.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: My update.. and other thoughts!
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2010, 07:31:01 PM »

Brave, strong ((Izzy))...... it's time the insurance company was held accountable.

Or.... at least as accountable as they can be.

What does your attorney say about the settlement timeline, at this point?



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Re: My update.. and other thoughts!
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2010, 02:06:02 AM »
Ya, muffin!
Seems I've spent my life in search of Justice, just for little old me at times, but in the long run for anyone oppressed!

Thanks Hops and Mo2

I'm trying for the stiff upper lip thing, but it's been so LONG, and justice applies here, too, in respect to the Ins'ce Rep not believing my damaged chair was stolen in the hospital, and no loaner would be forthcoming until I turned over the damaged chair---so I used an old, decrepit one of mine, which caused an infection, no healing, 3 surgeries altogether, I began to heal. (Nov/09) Ins'ce Co. is counting from Date of Accident, Mar 27/09. That's a billion dollar Corporation fer ya!

When I went to the Neurologist (May27/10) he sure didn't pay attention. His report to my M.D. read, in part (of 1½ pages of misspells, inaccuracies, and basically saying I was making this up... To quote him:)  "She is able to get along with crutches as I understand it before this most recent accident but is now in a wheelchair I think mostly because of her left hip trouble." That's vertabim, with no punctuation from an educated? person. "Get along"?  It's ambulate and I told him I stopped using them in 2003! Imagine sloughing off my 41 years of disability, and using a wheelchair for 40 years at time of accident, and he cannot understand that? Says in essence, I'm using a 'chair, for like a year?--and it was my leg, at the hip!!

I am adamant that this hogwash is wiped from the records! I see my M.D. tomorrow, and want a referral to a Neursurgeon, (Neurologist doesn't 'do spines', he says!), my lawyer calls tomorrow, and it's always been one step at a time.

Lawyer will take another report in 2 months then begin to quantify the claim.

There is a big, brown moth in my place, about 1½" long. I chased him with a towel, all last evening, until I had him trapped and dying? behind the China Cabinet  I thought I'd done severe damage, to him as well as my leg...went to bed paining!... but he is back now, taunting me again.

Hang in there, y'all
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: My update.. and other thoughts!
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2010, 09:06:25 AM »
Oh Izzy...... sounds like you and that moth had a bad evening.

I can't believe how daft medical professionals can be sometimes...... insult to injury..... leading to more injury.

Let's hope this Neurosurgeon has his head screwed on straight.

It's time you found a good Dr. who can advocate for you, as well.

::crossing fingers, sending white light and moth crushing thoughts your way::



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Re: My update.. and other thoughts!
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2010, 12:32:47 PM »
hi Mo2,

The doctors are not in a postion to advocate for me, as one is only an MD and the specialist implies that I'm lying, but my lawyer can advocate. He does so when something like this arises and after I have done what I deem necessary before laying it all out to him.

The moth is still behind the desk this morning!

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: My update.. and other thoughts!
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2010, 08:44:48 PM »
I am SO glad you are absolutely NOT going to let that inaccurate report stand.
Mis-stating your "recent" wheelchair use when it was 40+ years!!!!!  :shock:

With such ramifications for your case.

GOOD for you for not standing for it, no pun intended.
I am glad you have a serious lawyer.

My dukes are up!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: My update.. and other thoughts!
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2010, 10:36:41 PM »

Hi Izzy,

Your home is blessed to have a brave woman like you occupy it!  To heck with the moth!




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Re: My update.. and other thoughts!
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2010, 10:58:20 AM »
Thanks Hops and teartracks,

It's this afternoon I see my MD, and have a list. I want to assert my rights to have him respond to all, and not leave. I will block the door first and hold him hostage to show that I am serious!

Being that he can be unsatisfactory, vague, I will tell my lawyer when he calls later on this afternoon, and ask him what to do! He is all for justice for the injured party!

The moth has not reappeared from behind my desk....probably all entangled in the cords of 2 computers.

Love Izzy
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: My update.. and other thoughts!
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2010, 01:44:30 PM »
WOW, My doctor was not there, but was covered by another, who was so very, very, very, very, informed and nice. He explained about my 'renegade' nerves in one place, causing a disturbance in another place, leg to face, foot to bladder, shoulder blade rods to ears, as how the brain misiniterprets pain, at time. He prescribed a medication and after taking 2 pills that early and late evening, I had the best sleep since the accident; 3 pills yesterday (side effect is drowsiness but that's ok with me) and 2 naps and a good night, then one this am and therapy that went better than ever before.

What the hell took so long????  I was taking prescription Tylenol 3s that weren't working-- and my doctor allowed me to arrive in pain and leave in pain without mentioning this neurological pain medication.  I feel 69 again!!
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: My update.. and other thoughts!
« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2010, 12:02:07 AM »
I can't believe you've been coping with Tylenol.

Can the substitute doctor become your main one?

You deserve sophisticated pain medicine which is a specialty all to itself...

Lord, Izz, I'm SO glad you've gotten some sound sleep.

love to you,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: My update.. and other thoughts!
« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2010, 12:07:08 AM »
::shaking head in disgust::

Thank God that incompetent fool doctor wasn't in the office, Izz.

This new doctor seems to know something about helping his patients.

Whoo hoo for a good night's sleep: )



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Re: My update.. and other thoughts!
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2010, 11:01:55 AM »
Thanks Hops and Mo2

Dr. Williams was a godsend for me, and all is still going well. I have a few 'hints' at previous problems, so will likely have a stronger dose after this month is out, but am keeping track, and can go from my current 300 mg/day as far as 1800 mg/day with no ill effects, so that is good to know.

My therapy went better, as my body wasn't as tense (anxiety of awaiting a shoot of pain?) and am sleepiing well.

Tylenol 3 is codeine, but that must be for surgical pain, broken leg pain, and after all this time it was now neurological pain. So I might not have to live out my life in pain, as I was ½ forecasting for myself!

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"