Yeah, I hear ya Bear - about the stages of grieving. It is sorta like that. There are days when I've wanted (and did) just pull the covers back over my head and ignore, deny, runaway from, and escape the whole situation. Fact is: there were days I HAD to, 'coz I'd exhausted myself trying to understand the irrational crap that I was trapped in. It happens; doesn't mean you're weak... you are simply tired. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO BE TIRED. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO REST. You aren't gonna solve this, this week, this month... there's no real "quick" fix... but there is a whole bunch of helpful things that will eventually come together for you, and show you the solution that will work best for you.
What SLynx said, is the best way to replenish your energy, refresh your mind, soothe your soul and gain a whole new place to stand & then; and only then - look at the situation again. It's what I call a "time out" for myself. And the more my mind obsesses on trying to understand; figure it out; decide what I'm going to do/say and....... on & on...... the more I need that time out, because it's sort of like a mental panic attack and it's non-productive. I need to stop, relax, breathe, eat, exercise, and "not think" for awhile - let feeling take over until I'm "better". Feel the sun... water on my skin... feel kitty/dog fur... my hubby's hand... feel the next breath and "not think" long enough to let the inner chaos and crashing waves subside. Then, when I go back to "thinking" it's way more productive, solution-oriented, and not just a scared rat running through all the same old mazes (scripts???) that have been engraved on my mental-emotional-neuro-processes.