1) Disputed. 2) Occupied. 3) Government in exile. 4) Non-negligible independence movement. 5) Sovereign Country
OK, after letting this sit a little... and amusing myself with the particle theory option (which flat-out didn't go anywhere useful for me)... I'm back to these terms.
I'm gonna need some clarification, tt. Can you match all these up with an example involving boundaries? Can we rephrase "non-negligible" to "significant" independence movement? The double negative is confusing. I'm including Guest's sovereign country... provisionally. These days, "sovereign" countries aren't necessarily what I'd call independent, cohesive entities, with enough commonality among consitituents to have a cohesive "identity". Anyway, I'm thinking if we can match these terms to specific situations... then the concept might go somewhere very, very interesting.
You mentioned Roman law... I just read an interesting editorial re: the gulf oil spill that proposed an unusual perspective to view all the circumstances surrounding it from. (Dangling participles aside; maybe Hops won't notice!)
Prior to the scientific revolution of the 1600's, Western Civ and thought still considered the Earth from a sacred (albeit pagan) perspective... as a form of the archetype: Mother. We knew better than to try to control Mother Earth; to force nature into artificial channels to serve our selfish needs... the silly ad from the '70s was silly only 'coz it was a universal truth that society had stopped believing in: It's not nice to fool Mother Nature. While the mother archetype is popularly understood as nurturing; life-giving; and creative - the same archetype contains the flip side; the yin to the yang of the tao... the threatening, dangerous and destructive forces are still part of the same mother archetype.
Well, Newton, et.al., thought all that was superstition and figured out ways to harness nature via technology to the "service" of mankind's interest in industrialization.
This evolved into a belief that nature could be predicted and controlled.Well, to my way of thinking, that's simply a societal delusion. Ever try to stop a trumpet vine (or any other pervasive weed) from spreading where you don't want it? You can cut it and poison it and no; it doesn't come back in that one place again - it comes up somewhere else; but damn if it doesn't come back up!
Nature is NOT predictable or controllable. Think asteroids or how a tornado flattens one structure but leaves another.So, I've finally gotten around to what this has to do with boundaries... LOL! (takes me awhile). All us humans have a primary relationship to the planet - whether we acknowledge it or not - and a relationship; any relationship; consists of boundaries - inviolable ones that each of us defend and maintain to support "SELF" -- AND -- the permeable, flexible, "open gates in the fence or wall" type of boundaries that permit us to be connected with others. We need both kinds of boundaries.
I do battle with weeds... and give miracle gro to my flowers. I don't win this battle, ever... because Mother Nature is way more powerful, unpredictable, and uncontrollable. But I know that, so it's not a problem. Some of the "weeds" even flower, so I try working with; not against them. I think: that in order to get to the nurturing side of "mother earth"... we have to acknowledge & accept & work WITH the idea that just like she gave us life... she can take us out, too. I respect that, as her boundary.
And I think the same is true of people and their boundaries. I don't ever win the battle over the negative... it just pops back up somewhere else. But I can nurture my nurturing friends until they finally crowd out and leave no room for the negative... you know?
Now that THAT'S out of my system.... how do all those different kinds of government deal with immigration? emigration? what are their economies like? are they self-contained & self-sufficient... or are they the kind of countries that have permanent UN and Red Cross contingents supporting them and preventing mass starvation and death? How do the types of boundaries, and the styles of maintaining them affect the well-being of the citizens?
Back to you, tt - I don't know if any of this helps, is anywhere in the vicinity of where you're going with your metaphors - or if it's distracting and a digression....
I'll try to drink less coffee, tomorrow...