The way she twists the truth. The way she distorts reality so badly that it become unrecognizable. The way she wants to see me bleed. She can cut and cut and cut and cut me and I may not bleed so then, she is dissatisfied, so she pulls out the oozy and fires away; I slowly bleed to death and she becomes calm - I'm no match to that.
The simple phrase, "Hey mom, you left your shoes outside," becomes this:
I ranted and raved with the shoes, I paced around the house talking about the shoes incessantly and screamed at the top of my lungs about her leaving her shoes outside, I stamped my feet with rage and told her off, I then proceeded to tell my husband and laugh at her; I ran around talking about the shoes and every time I saw her, I brought up her leaving her shoes outside.
The simple phrase of "Hey mom, I moved your bag of medication from the bathroom floor, didn't want the baby to get into it" becomes this:
I called her a stupid idiot, I told her that she was trying to poison the baby, I screamed and yelled like a child that she trying to kill her only granddaughter, I told her she wanted something bad to happen to the baby; I ran around the house with the pills exclaiming to everyone that mom is a druggie and was stupid!
I swear about this. She distorts whatever I say no matter what.
I hate her laugh and sneer. I hate the fact that she won't look in my eyes.