Author Topic: The N traits I hate list.  (Read 3673 times)


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The N traits I hate list.
« on: July 14, 2010, 11:25:28 AM »
I think we all have our hate list for things N's do. Here is a chance to vent and add to our overall N knowledge. Someone doesn't have to be a true N to have an N trait but it does mean that they are going to be unpleasant to be around at times.

Here is my favorite N rant.

1. Monopolizing sales people when they have zero interest in buying the product and then announcing after the person wastes time with them that they will either buy someplace cheaper or go to the person who made the product directly and bypass the store. While we might all ask lots of questions without buying something, when its an N behavior the person does this consistently and often over items they have no real interest in. It is about attention and control.


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Re: The N traits I hate list.
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2010, 09:17:17 PM »
2.  "I own everything."  It is not my daughter, it is HER granddaughter.  It is not the house she owns with her husband (my father), it is HER house.  It is not the baseball team her grandson plays on, it is HER team.  WE won, not his team.  My brother didn't get promoted at work, instead HER son was promoted.  She owns all of us.  "MY friend (doesn't mention their name), MY uncle, MY brother, MY MY MY.  It's always hers.  NM owns every relationship.


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Re: The N traits I hate list.
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2010, 03:49:12 PM »


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Re: The N traits I hate list.
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2010, 06:06:09 PM »
I'll list the top most despicable N traits in descending order:
5. They're liars.
4. They're liars.
3. They're liars.
2. They're liars.
1. And finally, they are duplicitous prevaricators who lie incessantly and malignantly.



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Re: The N traits I hate list.
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2010, 10:31:57 PM »
Their lack of awareness or the lack of care regarding how their actions, behaviors, decisions do have an impact on the people around them especially their family members.

Their lack of honor. Their lack of courage.

The way they act like they don't understand what is being communicated, the way they choose to hear only what they want to hear. It makes clear communication so challenging.


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Re: The N traits I hate list.
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2010, 02:07:26 AM »
Here is another: Extreme changes of emotion with the flip of a switch that demand you simply drop whatever feeling you are having and go with THEIR new mood. An example would be starting a screaming argument which you walk away from and then finding you 5 minutes later and talkng about the weather as if nothing just happened.


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Re: The N traits I hate list.
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2010, 01:36:45 PM »
I don't think I hate any trait. It's the word 'hate': why would you hate a trait? BUT there are behaviours which: disgust, irritate, annoy, exasperate, anger, sadden, shock, horrify, hurt me. The worst of the bunch, after plain cruelty and wickedness?

Stupidity. I have a big problem with what I might call beligerant, obstinate stupidity.

I catch people in everyday life doing stupid obstinate things and it can easily befuddle me and occupy my brain power, wondering what the hell is in their heads. I try and give it up but when it beats all logic, it can pop back for further analysis....and some things are simply beyond analysis, without further information. And I can't ask my neighbours those sort of interrogative questions!


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Re: The N traits I hate list.
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2010, 03:21:41 PM »
I think I hate it most when they take credit for something YOU have done and turn the story to be about them...and they REALLY believe what they are saying...or when they screw something up, and put YOU in the story and all of a sudden they had nothing to do with it!

Not to mention being lied to and treated poorly then expecting you to love and honor them for it!

They seem to hate everyone to some degree including themselves.'s HATE! Satan at his best...
It is what it is!


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Re: The N traits I hate list.
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2010, 05:12:35 PM »
I have a story for you. I'm an artist and was lucky enough to have my graduate group show picked up by a prestigious gallery owner in the French Quarter. The owner was making her rounds, taking a moment speak with each of us about our work. So far my parents had been a no show which fine with me!!

Just as the owner walked up, put her arm around me and was about to speak, my parents came storming through the door with a two bit interior designer they worshiped. My mother rushed up to the owner and announce proudly that Mr. So and So had arrived!!! The woman looked confused, forced a smile and walked off. I was equally speechless and my parents followed me around for the rest of the night insuring that I never got to speak with the owner.


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Re: The N traits I hate list.
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2010, 07:20:13 PM »
Yes Sealynx, they do not want you to get any credit that's for sure. My NH was so mad that I was catching him telling people stories that were not true that he started telling people that I was physically sick. They would ask me how I was feeling and when I looked at them puzzled they would tell me that NH said I had been really sick. I can see now that he didn't want me talking to these people to wreck his stories...I can also see that people are not believing him any more and he is really squirming....
I am waiting for a blow up now!!!


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Re: The N traits I hate list.
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2010, 07:45:56 PM »
Their lack of awareness or the lack of care regarding how their actions, behaviors, decisions do have an impact on the people around them especially their family members.

Their lack of honor. Their lack of courage.

The way they act like they don't understand what is being communicated, the way they choose to hear only what they want to hear. It makes clear communication so challenging.

Muffin buster, hit home for me right now.  Yep, you hit the nail on the head with that one.
Also, speaking out of both sides of their mouth.  I don't think the average acquaintance could see it.  But a family member observes this every day.  One day they comment on how horrible a certain behavior is.  The next day they say how they agree with that behavior.  Children living with this conflict become SO confused.


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Re: The N traits I hate list.
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2010, 12:18:45 AM »

The way she twists the truth.  The way she distorts reality so badly that it become unrecognizable.  The way she wants to see me bleed.  She can cut and cut and cut and cut me and I may not bleed so then, she is dissatisfied, so she pulls out the oozy and fires away; I slowly bleed to death and she becomes calm - I'm no match to that.

The simple phrase, "Hey mom, you left your shoes outside," becomes this:

I ranted and raved with the shoes, I paced around the house talking about the shoes incessantly and screamed at the top of my lungs about her leaving her shoes outside, I stamped my feet with rage and told her off, I then proceeded to tell my husband and laugh at her; I ran around talking about the shoes and every time I saw her, I brought up her leaving her shoes outside.

The simple phrase of "Hey mom, I moved your bag of medication from the bathroom floor, didn't want the baby to get into it" becomes this:

I called her a stupid idiot, I told her that she was trying to poison the baby, I screamed and yelled like a child that she trying to kill her only granddaughter,  I told her she wanted something bad to happen to the baby; I ran around the house with the pills exclaiming to everyone that mom is a druggie and was stupid! 

I swear about this.  She distorts whatever I say no matter what. 

I hate her laugh and sneer.  I hate the fact that she won't look in my eyes.



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Re: The N traits I hate list.
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2010, 08:30:49 AM »
Hey guest - I agree with you about stupid people; how it is almost belligerent in the face of common sense ("you can't make me change, nyah - nyah!"). But we had a techie mantra about that, that helps one to at least accept the futility of the situation:

you can't fix stupid.

And you can't fix Ns... because they're always RIGHT (which isn't true; but you can't prove that to them).
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.


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Re: The N traits I hate list.
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2010, 07:21:50 PM »
Amber, I like it! Thanks.


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Re: The N traits I hate list.
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2010, 12:30:23 PM »
I really really really don't like the evil way they just ignore you whenever it suits them.  I've read that shunning was one of the original punishments clans used to control behaviour (if you did not comply with clan rules, you were thrown out and/or shunned) and N's use the same stone age tactic, only to control and manipulate.  Oh ya!!  And they are sooooo sneaky and sooooo good at convincing you that it's allllllll your fault to boot!!
