I remind myself: "It's OK - even if it sucks. Everything will be all right - eventually."
And I remember, that even when it seems EVERYTHING is out of my control, I always have a choice about how I respond to that. I always have control of me. I release myself from responsibility for controlling that which is someone else's responsibility. I can't possibly know all there is to know about situations or what resolution or solution lies right around some corner of time - I am just one brain, one heart, one consciousness. I ask for someone else's view on the situation, if I can explain it at all (even badly) so that there is more than one brain's knowledge, experience, and insight looking at the "problem". And I take their suggestions seriously as I may have been denying myself accepting that path to a solution/resolution for some habitual, foo-based pattern of response - although this one is something I'm still learning.
And when all else fails - I ask someone for a hug.