AHHH... those keeping track here is the latest in the saga that is m sad and wasted life:
Drama-mama made a partial deposit on 7/30 leaving me to call about the remainder which resulted in an unpleasant phone conversation at 9am this morning. I journaled about it and discovered the following about my own role in this BS. I don't much care what she does anymore, just how I react to the BS.
1. I should have been proactive and called her at end of month.
2. I should have been straight with her about the situation -no job =no money = no discussion, not gone into details about it - thats irrelevant.
3. I should not have let her change the subject in our conversation. (She tried to tell me I was not being "honest" with her because I had lunch with a mutual friend and the friend mentioned it to her. Nothing to do with the subject at hand. I then asked her about running into my childhood friend last week at Sav-on...then she got defensive that I was checking up on her. ugh. such petty BS)
4. I should have asked her outright - are you trying to make me feel guilty? are you being truthful or are you manipulating the truth?
5. I also said two things I shouldn't have - not major, just stupid stuff.
6. I should have kept my composure. I didn't.
So there you have it...lessons learned for next time..... #1-4 are most important - then #5-6 will probably be easier.
And, of course, an hour after our confrontation I discover its PMS time... so the universe is never on my side with this... maybe #5 and 6 were effected by the pms more than I realize. Last nite, while in bed, I was having a panic attack about all this... ugh. Might be time for medication.