your sorry ass and go back to work ....Knock it off......self pity in you and it's pathetic.......I am completely disgusted with you.....Shame shame shame on you ....Pathetic. Get some self-respect woman!
Are you my husband? You sound just like him. Are you narcissistic too? Running out of victims, perhaps?
I am not sorry and I don't appreciate the name calling. I am confused, mentally paralized at times. Psychologically injured, I know. But I WILL BE OKAY. I can hurt, I can be sad and I *can* feel sorry for myself. I don't need your permission.
Feeling sorry for ones self can help to accomplish great things as long as one doesn't wallow in it. And I haven't wallowed. I am reaching out for help. I am doing *all* I know to do to get myself better, stronger, and healthier; both mentally and physically.
Shame is one of the things that got me into this mess. A play on intimate moments when I thought my deepest feelings and the confessions of past mistakes could be trusted with my spouse. The subtle use of these feeling in the hand of a calculating narcissist produce guilt. Guilt.....shameful. Thanks for trying sending more but you were unsuccessful.
Pathetic is when one, who is arriving at the breaking point, reaches out for help and is cut down further. I am reaching for help, the first step in recovery, and do not need to be berated any further.
psychopath who is a narcissist.
Yeah, did I forget to mention that he was diagnosed with that too. Things can *always* be worse. In the words of the counselor he is "a fragmented and broken soul". Narcissism, PTSD, Bi-polar, psychotic, anti-social, with homocidal tendencies, per the US Army psych dept. Oh, and by the way, I have, during our marriage, learned about how he stalked and tried to kill his ex-wife and her boyfriend. Cops get scared too.
You know, everyone's worst experience is more intense to themselves than another. The feelings are equivilant to any other persons worst feelings. A divorce could rattle the soul of one who has never been through anything traumatic where as others can just shrug it off. If a rose is a rose then horrible is horrible.
The daily life with a narcissist is traumatizing enough. Now, throw in some castastrophic events, it kinda piles up. "I try to take one day at a time but lately several of them have ganged up on me."
If I want to be cut down, I'll go chat with my husband. People like you make me wonder why I even bother reaching out. Spare me the pseudo-intellectual BS. If life was so grand and easy for you, you'd probably not be posting on this board.