None of us, as adults, have any right to a 'share'. Is it okay to seek ultimate happiness while other humans suffer? I don't think so.
Guest, I struggle with this a lot. My life took an unexpected turn toward financial security a couple years ago, after a lifetime of being the poorest of the poor and working my way into a working-class level of "we're OK". Money is only 1 aspect of this question, though. I don't feel guilty about the money - nor do I deny myself buying things I've always wanted. I do NOT think this is selfish or bad; because I don't equate "things" with "character" or caring about or giving to others. Who's to say if I'll have this opportunity tomorrow, or next year? I'm well aware that I can be very, very poor financially again and I'm OK with that, too. (I'm going to try not to be... but you never know.)
Simultaneously - a lot of those "things" that I could buy to fit in with my new neighbors?? I don't give a rat's patootie about those things; I don't want it... I don't buy it. Who I "am" and whether I'm happy has absolutely nothing to do with whether I blow a couple hundred on a meal in a gourmet restaurant or eat spaghetti sauce from a can that cost under $1 (and I actually prefer this).
Why don't we have a right to seek happiness? Is it within my power and control to bestow happiness on others? I truly wish I could; I've wished this for my whole life. But, I'm learning that denying myself happiness in some kind of counter-intruitive attempt to bring everyone along with me into that "place"... doesn't make any more sense than selfishly gloating about my good fortune and lording it over others... and then blaming the less-fortunate for their own problems. I know from experience that's not fair and not true.
Of course, we're still talking about happiness = money or resources or opportunity or __________. THINGS. Happiness isn't dependent on things. I've been blissfully happy at various times, with about $10 to my name... and debt out the wazoo. Happiness isn't something that you can reach out, put in a box and display on a shelf... it comes and it goes... it can be a mild little ripple of happiness or a tidal wave surge of joy. It's not something that "seekers" usually find, either. Happiness is an elusive thing... and it will drive one mad to chase it and try to contain it.
You can share happiness - but you can't "make someone happy". Happiness is sneaky and tricky... and the oddest things evoke this emotion in people; unpredictably. There's no "prescription" for happiness; no process or method or spiritual path that has an absolute, 100% of the time guarantee to it.
But there is no doubt in my mind anymore, that we ALL have a right to enjoy it when it's bestowed on us.
Edit in: I almost FORGOT! DUH! If I set myself "conditions" for happiness... even if those conditions get met - I'm still not happy. Don't know why. I guess because conditions are always changing, too.
And one last point - happiness is contagious. It tends to spread from one person to another - just like doom & gloom does - so I sorta feel obligated to be as happy as I can and to share that with people I come in contact with - hoping that they "catch" it, too.