Author Topic: Resilience--2010 Rosh Hashanah talk--Contemporary Spiritual Experience  (Read 1659 times)

Dr. Richard Grossman

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(2010 Contemporary Spiritual Experience--theme:  "Resilience")

When I learned the theme of this year’s services, I looked up “resilience” in the dictionary just to make sure it was a quality I, for the most part, lacked.

Resilience:  "the ability to recover readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like; buoyancy"

Yup, I was right.  Nobody would ever describe me as buoyant, in the water or out.  If you asked Hildy to write a song about me, it would be “Stuck in the Muck”, not “Pop to the Top”.

So, the best I can offer is an outsider’s view of resilience.  And if, as a result of my negativity (or is it realism), Rabbi Don decides I can never speak at these services again, I can assure you I’ll ruminate about the rejection for weeks.

I want to talk briefly about three studies—well, actually, two studies and a survey—that reflect on those who are resilient and those who are not.  The first is a classic study of the philosophy known as "depressive realism".  In this study subjects sat in front of a panel that had a green light, a yellow light, and a button.  The object of the “game” was to turn the green light on as many times as possible by pushing the button at the right moment.  Of course, this being a psychology experiment, the subjects were left to discover what the right moment to push the green button was.    Two groups were tested:  normal/ resilient people and depressed/non-resilient people.  At the end people in both groups were asked how much control over the green light they had during the experiment.   The normal people, when they were succeeding thought they had considerable control—in other words, when the green light was flashing they said to themselves, boy, am I good at this! During the periods the green light failed to flash, however, they believed they had virtually no control at all—in other words, it’s not my fault, it’s the machine.  The depressed, non-resilient people saw things quite differently: whether succeeding or failing, they quickly realized they had no control over the green light at all.  And in fact they were right—throughout all trials for both groups the green light had flashed randomly.  

This study suggests that non-resilient people are, in fact, more realistic—while resilient people “pop to the top” through the use of soothing distortions.   Still, one might argue that all this study proves is that non-resilient people are better than resilient people at spotting hopeless situations.  In other words, if non-resilient people actually had control over the green light, they would never have recognized it.  So, let’s take a look at study number 2, one I’ll call the “alien slaughter”.  Quite simply, two groups of people, depressed and non-depressed were asked to play a computer game in which the goal was to shoot down as many alien spaceships as they could.  Neither group was shown their scores, but after the game everyone was asked to estimate how many spaceships they had destroyed.  Who got it right?  Results showed that normal resilient people vastly over-estimated the number of ships they had destroyed.  Given that finding, one might think that depressed, non-resilient people would actually underestimate their “kills”.  But this didn’t happen.  Instead they were accurate within 5 or 10 percent.  In other words, the depressed/non-resilient people simply saw the truth as it really was.

If you still doubt that resilience involves “soothing distortions”, I’ll bet a certain half of the people in this room will reconsider after I tell you about the third study.   A little over a year ago, Boston Globe columnist Bella English reported the results of a startling survey:  when asked whether they considered themselves sexy, 60% of American men said yes.  Now, not counting the men in this room--for we all know that 100% of us are, in fact, sexy, and this may skew the data--I would like to ask the women here:  do you consider 60% of American men sexy?   By the way, according to men, the most important factor in being attractive is that you “carry yourself with confidence.” (change my posture:  stand up straight)  Ooops.

So, what does one do with the painful events of life if one lacks normal human resilience?  Here’s what I’ve come up with: cry, complain but don’t overdo it, talk to other people who lack resilience because they’re the only people who will understand,  read books on the Holocaust and the Civil War, cry—did I say that already, make love with your spouse or partner, find a therapist who lacks resilience (definitely not one of those sexy male analysts), take your dog for long walks, and finally fight with an obnoxious neighbor because it’s a good distraction, and it always helps to have an enemy.  These are some of the things that I’ve found to help, and if you can do all of them, and stick with them, then perhaps it might be said, on a good day, that you have real resilience.

Have a good year!  
« Last Edit: September 10, 2013, 05:34:29 PM by Dr. Richard Grossman »


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Re: Resilience--2010 New Year's talk--Contemporary Spiritual Experience
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2010, 11:46:53 PM »
Thanks for posting this. I enjoyed reading it. either of the studies actually define non-resilience? Or even normal human resilience? In two of the studies you talked about, "non-resilient" seemed to be used interchangably with "depressed" as if they were one and the same thing. I'm not sure they are. And does one have to "pop to the top" or be bouyant (or a happy idiot?) in order to be considered resilient?

I am a depressive realist. And I am about as bouyant as a cannonball. But I know that after all I have experienced, and from what I've been able to accomplish in spite of it, that I am also quite resilient. So what gives?

Here's another definition of resilience from a different dictionary: strength, adaptability, toughness, hardiness (the resilience of human beings)

I especially like the idea of "hardiness." It reminds me of those wildflowers that grow by the side of the highway. They make do with very little and they're capable of blooming and growing under the most unfavorable conditions.


"Enjoy every sandwich." -- Warren Zevon

Dr. Richard Grossman

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Re: Resilience--2010 New Year's talk--Contemporary Spiritual Experience
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2010, 09:54:56 AM »
Hi Lollie,

Thanks for your thoughtful comments.  I’m glad you, too, are a depressive realist!

Your dictionary definition and mine ( make resilience sound like two different words/concepts!  Some random comments in response to your post:

I made a leap in assuming the “depressed” group in the two studies lacked “resilience”—although not a big one if you consider the definition I used.  For many people prone to depression, any adversity starts the rumination/depression process in motion.  They are simply unable to comfort themselves the way “normal” people do (soothing distortions?)—and the constant stress/rumination ultimately causes a kind of hippocampal brain damage (luckily, reparable).  (If, for example, you have ever been depressed and tried memorizing a script, you will know what I mean about brain damage).

But in many ways, depressed people are the most resilient I know (particularly if we use your dictionary’s definition).  In many ways, they see the world accurately, and yet they go on, consciously putting one foot in front of the other, from the moment they wake up in the morning to the moment they go to sleep.  And they do this day after day, month after month, year after year.  Because of their resilience, most are able to go on living.  In comparison, life for “normal” people is the proverbial “piece of cake.”  And yes, depressed people often bloom spectacularly like your hardy wildflowers on the side of the highway (in part, I think, because they have a particular kind of brain—Lincoln, Darwin [who was only able to work one day out of three because of his depression], and Shakespeare [he wrote about it so brilliantly, I can only imagine he suffered from it] come to mind amongst many others).   So, ultimately, who are more resilient: normal people or depressive realists?  That is a very interesting question!



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Re: Resilience--2010 Rosh Hashanah talk--Contemporary Spiritual Experience
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2010, 12:07:53 PM »
How do normal resilient people behave when really awful things happen to them? How do realists behave and which has the best chance of survival?

Who do you want to land your plane, a creative reality-distorted normie or a depressive realist who doesn't take chances?  :D

I guess both have their uses!
Is there a category for people who accept reality and aren't particularly depressed about it I wonder...


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Re: Resilience--2010 Rosh Hashanah talk--Contemporary Spiritual Experience
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2010, 08:42:12 AM »
Makes me think of a quote from "The Tale of Two Cities":  "It was the best of times.  It was the worst of times."

For those of us who use the Serenity Prayer to deal with stuff and other cr*p thrown our way, where do we fit in?

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!

Dr. Richard Grossman

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Re: Resilience--2010 Rosh Hashanah talk--Contemporary Spiritual Experience
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2010, 02:45:53 PM »
For those of us who use the Serenity Prayer to deal with stuff and other cr*p thrown our way, where do we fit in?


“God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference…”

--Reinhold Niebuhr

Hi Bones,

Great (and complicated) question!  I hope you'll offer an answer!  One thought:

Achieving serenity may be much harder for “depressive realists” precisely because they have the wisdom to “know the difference”—and without the “illusion of control” normal people maintain (at least according to the theory), their brain gets damaged because of the excess stress (cortisol) that awareness ultimately engenders.  Furthermore, because they see many more things in their lives that can’t be changed, they may lose the courage/will to change the things they can (i.e., what does it matter, anyway?)



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Re: Resilience--2010 Rosh Hashanah talk--Contemporary Spiritual Experience
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2010, 05:15:26 PM »
Interesting Richard,
serenity perhaps being linked to the sense of control.
And interestng that you say that awareness gives rise to stress, which feels right in one sense...the more you know (accurately), the more it troubles you....perhaps. Or perhaps the more you know, the more you realise you have so little control...that the only 'sane' response is to 'give up' or 'give in' to it.

So 'what does it matter anyway?' becomes a realistic path to serenity. Maybe serenity does not have to be linked to having control, but to losing control?

My two cents from my damaged brain  :|