Author Topic: taking my voice back  (Read 1343 times)


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taking my voice back
« on: November 08, 2010, 10:12:46 PM »
Hey Everybody. Satuday nite I made plans with a friend in the afternoon to attend a party at 7:45 that nite. I was supposed to go to her house to pick her up/share the driving. When I got to her house, she was not there and had left a message (6:40) and text (6:45) for me that said she and another friend were going to the movies instead, would I care to join them. The movie started at 7:15. I never got the message on time, so did not return her call. Effectively, she made plans with someone else before she even contacted me. I felt ditched.  Later that evening and again Sunday, we exchanged a series of emails. In the old days, I would never have said or done anything, I would just have let the friendship die. No more, I speak my mind, while trying to stay very civil. She claims that she is justified in her actions because I did not call her back.  Let me know what you think.

Me to her - Sunday 1pm

Don't use response time as a means to deflect from being accountable for your willful actions. You went ahead and made plans with someone else before you even contacted me, which is simply disrespectful.

Comments such as "I'm childish" and "you won't babysit me on email" are inappropriate and resolve nothing.
(She called and left me a message calling me all sorts of inappropriate things. For this reason, I avoided a phone conversation with her, I wanted to choose my words very carefully.)

From her to Me - Sunday 9 am:

Call mE. This is getting ridiculous. Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

From me to her Sunday morning 8 am:

Nope. This is not about response time, you did not honor the plans you made with me.  When you called and texted me you had already made a plan with someone else and went on your way without any consideration for me. Had you waited until the time we were set to meet, then you could have included me.

From her to me, Sunday morning 7am:

I called & texted you. You have a tendency to take your time responding and I wasn't sure you were going to do the same thing again, and after not hearing back for an hour...

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

From me to her Saturday nite:

It was rude to go ahead and make plans before you talked with me. In doing so, you effectively ditched me and I don't appreciate it.


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Re: taking my voice back
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2010, 02:15:38 AM »
Ales, stick to your guns.  There is no way it is okay to rearrange the plans and then blame you for not receiving the message.  Unless there's some kind of emergency you stick to what you've arranged.  It's one thing to try and change plans a week, two weeks in advance, but an hour?  And then to blame the other person for not picking up a message and changing their plans to suit?  No way.  I hope you dump her anyway, friends like that you don't need (I've got rid of shedloads of them in the last couple of years!).


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Re: taking my voice back
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2010, 08:19:15 AM »
I can sure relate to this as this had been done to me too!!!  With "friends" like that, (and I'm using the term "friends" loosely), who needs enemies?  I would put this "inDUHvidual" in the category of FRENEMY!

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: taking my voice back
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2010, 10:21:36 PM »
Wow - thank you all for your comments. Today I was feeling like I did the right thing, but probably was a little harsh, as I went back and forth a couple of times. But, glad I stood up for myself. I bet she does this all the time and this is the first time she's been called on it.
Anyway, thanks so much!