and never needed to hoard evidence because you don't need to prove anything to anyone else or have their approval, ever?
I hope I can get to that place one day. Part of my hoarding evidence is that, I think, somewhere in the back of my mind, I feel like one day I'll have the chance to prove to some of my favorite aunts and uncles that NM really did abuse me, and that it wasn't my fault, and that everything will be good again. Then I have to slap myself and say "Hey, wake up. It's never going to happen." As much as I love some of my aunts, well, where were they when they sensed (and I KNOW they sensed) that things were NOT right with NM? Some of these relatives stood idly by, knowing that I was being tormented, and I'm pretty sure that some of them will go to their graves not knowing the whole truth, because they don't WANT to know the truth. And yet, I still feel this need, and this hope, that one day I can prove that NM was wrong, and win their approval, and . . . why? Do they even care?
I've still got a lot of work to do but I am so different to how I was ten years ago, and so grateful for that.
I do feel that I'm a much different person now than I was ten years ago. Things still get to me, and still hurt me very badly, but I'm at a stage where I DO get over it with time. Ten years ago I felt pity for my Co-F, and even though I was angry at him for the hurt he caused me, I would cave in and call him on holidays, or visit, or whatever, because I felt so sorry for him being "brainwashed" by NM. Now when he calls, and I don't answer, I still feel bad, and I still hurt, but . . . I DON'T ANSWER. I've reached the point where I can listen to him ramble into the answering machine, and instead of feeling pity, I feel very justified in blowing him off. I'm now okay with letting him have a birthday or a holiday without getting to talk to his daughter. He called today to wish us a Happy Thanksgiving, and ended the message with "It sure would be nice if you'd talk to your parents every now and then." Well, guess what Dad? It sure would be nice if you hadn't disinherited your daughter out of spite, and it sure would be nice if you'd apologize for using your belt on her because your wife said to. I don't know if I'll ever reach a place where I don't feel pain, but it's becoming easier to not feel guilt. And that's pretty huge.