Hi everyone,
Sorry, I just want to have a moan and let off some steam

My sister recently left her husband (hooray! He's an a**hole). She packed a bag and walked out and I said she could stay with me until she sorted out a new place to live.
Obviously these things take time but since she moved in she seems to have done nothing but go shopping and go out with her new boyfriend. I fully appreciate she wants to let off some steam and let her hair down a bit but there are some things that need to take priority. She's not saving any money toward getting a new place and hadn't done anything about getting the money she has tied up in the house they own together, or started divorce proceedings. No-one is supposed to know about the new man (because it would cause so many problems with her kids and soon to be ex husband) so I've been having to be 'evasive' when the kids have called round asking where she is (they're all over 18 but obviously still want to see their mum and whilst I haven't lied exactly, I haven't been able to tell the truth either).
I was starting to feel like nothing was going to change and she might not sort herself out without a nudge so I put a time limit of six weeks on her staying. I felt this was a reasonable amount of time for her to get things organised. She got really upset but after she calmed down she said okay and was alright about it.
Since then her husband has been hassling her more and more. I kept saying to her she needed to speak to a solicitor and possibly get an injunction taken out against him but she still didn't do anything. Last night he caused a big scene fairly late at night and was threatening to kill her. Then her daughter arrived an hour or so later sobbing hysterically saying he had just tried to kill her.
I've had a lot of problems with social services and other agencies over the years because my mum has made repeated accusations against me. Although they've always been proven to be false it still looks really bad on paper and I've found the approach the agencies take to be 'guilty until you prove yourself innocent'. It's very hard to prove you didn't do something! I am therefore very scared of anything like that happening again. I felt that last night my sister and her daughter should have reported the husband to the police, but as it counts as domestic violence and my sister is currently living with me, the police will automatically refer to social services because there is a child in the house. This is standard procedure in our area. I do not want to have to cope with the stress of another investigation, nor do I want my son to see/hear things like that.
It was late when all this happened last night and neither of us slept very well. When I got up I told her I was really sorry but I needed her to move out as I didn't want to risk the police or any other agencies getting involved again. I told her I feel that she should be reporting him when he does these things and getting an injunction, but that I didn't want it linked to my address. She has other friends she can stay with and I told her I'm happy for her to keep her stuff here and to spend as much time here as she wants to, as long as she is sleeping somewhere else. If she is able to get an injunction taken out and sorts the other stuff out I don't mind her coming back here for a couple of weeks if she wants to.
I didn't hear from her all day after this and I sent a couple of texts that she didn't reply to. I then got a message this evening asking if it was okay to stay tonight, to which I said no. She then said she had nowhere else to go and I said I was really sorry but I didn't want to risk the same thing happening again tonight. I also know of at least two other people who offered her a bed a week or so ago, so I don't see any reason why that offer wouldn't still be open now.
I feel really bad about the whole situation and I don't want to see her miserable or unhappy. I know it is really tough for her but equally I don't want all of this around my son and I don't want to risk things getting nasty and him being involved in that. My guess would be that the husband will just escalate his behaviour until someone puts a stop to it, which again I assume is only possible through an injunction. I feel like I've done the 'right' thing but I just feel so wrong about it, if you know what I mean?
Sorry. I know it's really long. Just needed to get it off my chest before I go to bed tonight. Thank you for reading.