I still feel sad for M but it is unbelievable that he has not called or written. Maybe he is punishing me
Lupita, sweetie. You are punishing yourself. Your goal is to NOT be paralysed, addicted, or go back with him, remember? So him not calling is a GOOD thing. You blocking his email or screening his calls will ADD strength to your dignity. You cannot be inside his head, you cannot interpret his choice not to call you, or to let it end now, correctly. But this is good--it needs to continue. You are achieving an end. It needed to end. Your experience is that he usually comes back and calls you again. And you know exactly what happens when he does.
So your focus on HIM is hurting YOUR DIGNITY. That is what is "cooking you in anguish." He is outside you, and he cannot guide you inside yourself, to love and heal yourself. Only you can, and only NOT with your focus on getting a man's approval, acceptance, obedience, attention or sex.
I believe a women's support group and spirituality group could do this. Your guides to healing have to have no sex involved, not beauty nor ugliness, nor seduction. There is a whole different power in that kind of experience. You will not find it on a dance floor no matter who the partner is.
You mentioned how your "online friends don't know how ugly you are." I am glad you are noticing that you are focused on your value as a sexual object. You are not ugly (I do know this, remember?). But it is NOT your pretty face or your body that makes you worthy of love and dignity.
Your dignity is because you are yourself, you are intelligent, brave, persistent and worthwhile.
You are intelligent, brave, persistent and worthwhile.
You are intelligent, brave, persistent and worthwhile.
You are intelligent, brave, persistent and worthwhile.
And you are safe.