Hi PR, thank you for answering.
I did not stop seeing him. I only stopped going to his house where he asked me to leave one month ago just before thanks giving. We broke up the day before thanks giving and that was the day of our anniversary. But we only stopped seeing each other for three days. Only three days. All this month we were seeing each other all the time, and the only difference was that I did not go to his house. But he insisted so much on me going over there that I went finally this last weekend and stayed there with him until last night, a total of five days. We were having a terrific time full of love and full of good time. It was relaxed and nice.
Suddenly, last night in our regular Tuesday night dance, he grabbed me by my hand and went in the middle of the dance floor and started dancing, when suddenly he saw a friend with her husband fighting over the steps. He immediately grabbed her from her husband, and started teaching her how to dance. I stood up there for a few seconds, then I asked the husband if he wanted to dance a little, and he did dance a little then he said he wanted a drink and I went to sit down. When the music ended, about three minutes later, M came to me and asked me to dance and I said no, “you left me in the middle of the dance floor” “leave me alone”. He asked me several times. I said F you.
Then he got mad and told me to go home and grab my things and never come back again and never call him again. He has done that in the past. It feels bad. He does it because he knows I take it.
In the past he never asked me for the key to his house. Last night for the first time he asked me for the key to his house. I said, no problem. I gave it to him immediately.
It took me five minutes to get the very few things I had.
I have done that for about five times already. I have to stop. For my own sake.
About looking for things to do. I do look for things to do. I go to the movies with friends, I walk with friends, I play the piano with friends. I just feel lonely all the time, except when M is with me.
The only times I feel comfortable it is when M is with me. It is like having my mother with me. I feel that way with M.
Right now I am lost, in limbo again. I have called four friends already. I might go to the movies tonight, to roller skate tomorrow, and Friday I will go over to my son’s house and stay there until Christmas time. I have things to do. It is just that M represents something very big to me.
I wish I did not feel this way.