Author Topic: Thinking of all  (Read 2814 times)


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Re: Thinking of all
« Reply #15 on: December 29, 2010, 06:16:43 AM »
((((((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))  Bones, I know how you feel.  If it weren't for my son I wouldn't bother at all.  Even with him it's a really big effort.  All though the year I can skirt around all the problems - messed up family, living on eggshells, low income, lonely, no partner etc etc etc. But Christmas seems to be like this big, big truth mirror that won't let you look away and it all seems to come crashing down.  Bizarrely, as soon as Christmas is over, I feel fine again.  It's funny how many people I've spoken to the last few days who've also said they don't like it - but they still do it anyway.  Social conditioning is a powerful thing.

I don't know what to suggest for New Year's Eve.  Is there somewhere nice you can go during the day - a museum, a gallery, theatre show, something like that?  And then maybe a couple of films, some choccies and a cuddly blanket to get through the evening and a really nice long walk on New Year's Day, followed by a good breakfast?  It's a difficult couple of days, on top of a difficult few days at Christmas, on top of Thanksgiving for some!  Jeeze - whose idea was it to put them all so close together? ;)

Lighter - glad you had a good one and that the dog didn't bite anyone! :)

Thanks, TwoAPenny!

I'm trying to figure out what to do given that my asthma seems to be kicking up on top of it all.
Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Thinking of all
« Reply #16 on: December 29, 2010, 10:06:51 AM »
Aw, Bones, that's touch to deal with on top of everything else!  Do you think stress makes it worse?  My sis has asthma and she feels it gets worse when she's a bit down or stressed out (it seems to have been a lot better since she left hubby!).  Funnily her IBS has cleared up as well, as have her various unexplained aches and pains in her legs, feet, back etc.  It's very odd how sometimes physical problems seem to have emotional links as well?

I hope your asthma clears up soon ((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))  I have found an outdoor ice rink I am going to take my boy to on New Year's Eve; he will really enjoy that and that will make me happy; might even go a bit mad and splash out on a burger as well!  (((((((((((((((((((((((((Bonesie)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) xxx