Since I wrote on this board a few times and vented my frustration at my Nmother who belittled, abused and ridiculed me most of the time with smatterings of shows of caring--just enough to keep me on the string, so to speak. now my Nmother dies finally. Yes, this same Nmother that I got roped into taking care of--and I did an excellent job of it, too--while she just decayed away and finally died (as we all should) of natural causes: Old age.
I had to tolerate her abuse until about the last 2 years when she was alive because, by then, even she knew she needed me there. Then I had some worth to her. Before I was strictly a burden and something that reminded her she didn't want to be, which is a mother.
So, how do I feel now that my Nmother is dead? Do I grieve? Do I cry about all the cruelty I experienced due to her? No, everything I ever wanted to ask or say I did during the 5-1/2 years I was stuck with her in the house. Even tho she wouldn't answer me almost all the time, I could piece together how she felt about me (God, how I wish I hadn't had you as I never wanted to be a mother) and why she didn't protect me as I grew up from a sick stepfather (I just rather not be involved because then I would have to take some responsibility for actually doing something about it...and, frankly, Anastasia, I just don't care that much about you).
All my questions were answered by her silence or I just could piece the answers together from one bit of information or another. I am at total peace with it. I can move on.
No, there was no grieving when my Nmother died for me. I just moved on like it was another day in my life and will do this for the rest of my life.
I feel relieved it is over. I feel all my questions were answered, so I don't have to wonder any more why she was so abusive and allowed me to be abused by my stepfather. I know and understand it now.
Granted, it isn't an answer anyone would particularly want, but it is what it is...and I can move on because I'm now free of her. I accept what happened to me. I accept what her motivation was. I am free....movin' on....and moving on feeling liberated!!!!