I'm still struggling with my diet and for control of my weight and body. I have a new book that suggests I consider what food means to me.
Hell, I don't know. I am working on putting a finger on it, but it's a slippery issue.
One thing I do, that baffles me, is I hide with my food. Yep, 41 years old and I take good stuff (forbidden food) and hide with it. I cannot let anybody know I have it. If anybody knows I have it, it ruins the enjoyment of it for me. If anybody asks me for it, I get really angry and, instead of sharing, I give them the whole thing.
Does anybody else do this? Why? What does it mean?
I have noticed I do this more when I am feeling sick, overwhelmed, or really, really emotionally distraught. I have been better since listening to self-hypnosis tapes, but since I have been hovering 10 pounds above my goal weight for more than a year, Obviously I still don't have control over this.