What it all comes down to, in the end (after so much talking)... is that most of the time...
And if it doesn't, I am programmed to look for ways to make my experience conform to this "RULE". Thank you scary malevolent attachment style...
I have a decorating theme for the house; I'm calling it post-modern pirate - in other words, I'm avoiding the literal pirate references yet still trying to evoke "swashbuckling"... "fun"... "devil may care - anything goes"... and comfortable, put your feet up, sink into the couch and fall asleep... kind of space with a caribbean colonial feel. I am collecting artsy and stuffed parrots that appear in odd places around the house... away from the nibbly old, scurvy dog who eats all his stuffed toys. This kind of decorating is always a work in progress... it really does have to be "collected" over time - there is just no way to source everything all at once and the bill would make hubby and I slink back into hermit-ville again - feel "bad" in other words about feeling good!
My idea for a solution, to make recycling of papers, magazines, etc stacks of "stuff" really easy - was to find a cabinet with big enough shelf space to hold my recycling paper bags - out of sight behind doors yet within steps of where we sort the mail. Hubs is a indefatiguable (sp?) "hunter-gatherer"... the epitome of a shopper - he sees things that I've completely missed because of sensory overload and then points them out. We hit the biggest of our local furniture stores yesterday... and he found a painted cabinet (in my fav color) that will work... and it even has two drawers... so that he can have one (not 2) "piles" of stuff that he picks up/puts down going in & out... and the pile will be out of sight in the drawer... so that a.) I won't be tempted to move it and b.) he'll know where to look when he can't remember where he put it... and that was HIS idea; brilliant huh? The cabinet will get delivered Monday and goes right in the hall that we use to go in/out of the house... or up/downstairs.
Second stop was another store that we like for fun decorative things... and most of them are functional decorative things, so the "policeman" is appeased... but the policeman got kicked to kingdom-come as soon as I saw a pair of gorgeous mermaid prints... and then, I saw the large one in a different color palette... and two small geometric pieces that will work in a couple different places... the mermaids are like jewelry... very reminiscent of Klimt; and I connected immediately with them, as they're very, very similar to an etching I did for the handmade book of Twiggy's journey (unconsciously created, before I knew what the story was...).
The past hour, hubs & I have scouted places to hang the art... and have discussed what we might do downstairs*... and he's actively thinking about organizing and creating useful work spaces for himself in the garages. This is the "fun" part of "Amber's World"... where I'm not "playing" by myself - I don't want or need "control" - where his ideas and needs have equal weight (he's pretty creative all by himself)... and we fuel each other's energy and ideas. He hasn't been "playing" because he's confusing my asking with a "control-demand"... and I wasn't making myself real clear. (and after all this babbling to get to here... it's obvious I had no clue what I was trying to say, either)
*SIL has come back with a looong list of what she'd like of her mom's stuff; with 4 boys she can use more furniture... but she won't be able to come pick it up for awhile. Hubs has already strategized a solution that is similar but better, than what I was thinking, for storing it till then - but still making space for us to start working down there - making it ours.
So, yesterday after our hunting-gathering session, we came home to play a videogame we're obsessed with. We're shooting chickens and beating the computer... and while I'm working on becoming a better shot and hubs is racking up big scores... the tears are just running down my face and I'm letting them. That's when I realized what this whole thread is about... the conundrum of "feels good feels bad" - or hurts - or evokes grief - for me. All that time LOST due to the RULE of "if it feels good it must be bad - or scary - or a boundary intrusion or - - - -"
And it's this odd association that I have to reprogram. Now that I know what it is... I can work on it. I've pretty well conquered the guilt reflex I used to have, buying something for myself... but only just recently. But just like I could tell the policeman to go hell, I wanted the mermaids yesterday... I ALSO need to do this in my relationships; starting with Hubs. So that I can enjoy "feeling good"... without having to feel bad at the same time, too. Or making our interactions conform to the "old RULES"... that old pattern of "if you want bioNic mom's attention - it comes at a dangerously high price".
Thus, by often assuming the adult role, the other person often assumed the child role, so I was indirectly forcing the other to act childish: action & reaction.
Ann - THANK YOU! The above is EXACTLY what has been going on with hubs & me... and yet my inner Twiggy was mewling about needing to be in the child role... wanting someone to "have her back"... and I was able to find that again; one of the very essence-building blocks of his and my relationship.
Wow... it sure FEELS GOOD... to get all THAT sorted out! ;D