Dear friends, I have been seeing M in the dances. I dance with him. I fell in temptation once in this last two months. Only once. For valentine’s day.
M was so sweet and so pleasing. I was so hungry for love. I mean love, not sex. Just love.
The next dance I decided that I wanted to dance with the other guys like I had been doing. He thought that I was going to stop dancing with other guys. He got mad at me. He ignored me all Sunday and today. No e-mails, no calls, no nothing. He wanted to dance with other women at the beginning. He accused me of being jealous. Now I am dancing with other guys and he gets mad. We are not even boyfriend girlfriend. We are just seeing each other in the dances. We do not have any activities together. ZERO. But I am so sad because he ignored me these two days. Why do I feel sad? I know that this man is not for me. I know that I will not get any love from this man. Why then am I so sad? Please, explain.
I am going to group therapy and it costs money. I have retaken my walking group and we did a walk yesterday. I had three guys very handsome and were willing to talk to me all the way of the walk. Still I felt sad. What is wrong with me.