Hops, you could never be an old bat! I have been thinking a lot about what you said. I think I need to keep an eye out! I don't think I'm doing the same as before but I guess it's hard to be objective. The presents for my son are all replacing things that are either outgrown or broken. I'm doing the same with clothes; buying one new thing and chucking out one old item when I get the new one home. I also made sure I bought a complete outfit (as far as funds allowed!) so that I didn't end up with a wardrobe full of stuff that doesn't go with anything. I will keep an eye on myself, though! It's a good point

I went to the crematorium today, for my Dad's Anniversary. It's been 29 years since he died. I found out he actually died on the 25th of Feb, not the 24th as we'd always been told. I also got the address of where he was living when he died and my uncle's address at the time as well. I'm going to write to the houses and ask if anyone knows/remembers them. It's a long shot, I know, but I live six doors away from the house I lived in thirty years ago so I guess there's a chance that someone on the street might have lived there all that time and might have some idea where some of my relatives are.
The lady also showed me where my dad's ashes are scattered. I knew they were in the Garden of Rememberance but not the exact spot. She took me and showed me. I cried buckets, I have to say, but I was so glad to finally have somewhere to sit and think about him. I'm going to save up and get a small memorial plaque made for him, so I have somewhere specific to leave flowers. I also thought I ought to make some sort of area in my garden for him - just a pot with a nice plant in it, but something that I can sit by at times and also take with me if I move house!
I was glad I found out the information but I felt so lonely once I got home. I just feel like I have no-one, no-one really close, that I can curl up with. I feel very small and alone at the minute. I'd really love to curl up on the sofa with someone who loves me tonight. I have the cat! She's very cuddly so I guess it will still be a nice cuddle. I'm still trying to find my brother but not having much luck at the minute. Part of me is scared as well, that it might not be the happy reunion I'm hoping for. I know these things don't always go smoothly. I'd like to know, though, one way or the other.
Thanks for reading xx