Author Topic: Spring Project: Design a healthy ego  (Read 7055 times)


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Re: Spring Project: Design a healthy ego
« Reply #30 on: February 22, 2011, 12:29:49 PM »
Child protection.

I don't think i need to say more?


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Re: Spring Project: Design a healthy ego
« Reply #31 on: February 22, 2011, 12:46:50 PM »
Ditto Guest.

What he did to your grandson is serious abuse and people should be arrested for that.

I'm so sorry, Amber.

Words fail.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Spring Project: Design a healthy ego
« Reply #32 on: February 22, 2011, 06:15:16 PM »
In this country, in your position, I might 'warn' my D that if she continues to live like this (with abusive men) that she risks having her kids, your grandchildren, taken into care. I have no idea how realistic that might be, even here. Probably not very realistic. But it damn well should be.


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Re: Spring Project: Design a healthy ego
« Reply #33 on: February 22, 2011, 11:13:33 PM »

I'm so so mad right now. So F'ing mad.  I can't imagine what you are feeling.  I was once victim with my own H.  I can only imagine what my family felt like.
Truly I was more bruised in my brain then on my body. 


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Re: Spring Project: Design a healthy ego
« Reply #34 on: February 22, 2011, 11:46:56 PM »
My S came to speak to me and I hit enter.  I don't think she can think clearly now.  All that matter's is she has run with her children.  I"m sorry for your D and your GC and I'm sorry for you Amber.  I just can't imagine how you are feeling.

I guess I could never imagine how my own M and Sis felt but my BIL and cousin's did go to my ex and tell him..You put your hands on her....we put our hands on you.
Pick on Us.   You pick on her and you picked on us.

I was all along trying to fight for myself (without fighting) but with an abuser...Sometimes you just have to Run.

I'm glad your D picked up her children and fled. 

And that SOB should rot in jail.




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Re: Spring Project: Design a healthy ego
« Reply #35 on: February 23, 2011, 11:07:49 AM »
Folks - I deleted all my messages about D on the off-chance that she'll eventually land here someday and read. What I'm going through and think doesn't have much relevance for her and what she's facing... and has to do. I'm relaying most of this in 3-D, in person anyway to her.

DEB... I'm so glad you showed up & chimed in! I really need your fire...

... and anyway, enough of my digression... I want to get back to the original topic!!
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Re: Spring Project: Design a healthy ego
« Reply #36 on: February 23, 2011, 01:47:30 PM »
Okay Amber.

How about (can't remember if this has been listed or not): checking and keeping track that your view of 'reality' is pretty much in line with what's in 3D <pause for a chuckle there, for all the rationalisations we can muster..>

(But that's not necessarily 'healthy' if you want to be happy, or so the research of late has said?)


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Re: Spring Project: Design a healthy ego
« Reply #37 on: February 23, 2011, 04:37:05 PM »
What I'm going through and think doesn't have much relevance for her and what she's facing... and has to do.

I understand what you're saying, but please make sure you do not minimize your own feelings about this or how it affects you in 3D.  I think being raised in dysfunctional N FOOS, we may down play the effect of a family member's problems/chaos.  This is a family crisis & everyone is effected by it, some more so than others & in different ways.   
« Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 04:49:58 PM by ann3 »


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Re: Spring Project: Design a healthy ego
« Reply #38 on: February 24, 2011, 07:21:29 AM »
Ann: I've felt vulnerable and fragile from the first phone call. Yes, I know... this is extremely difficult for me. I see her repeating the same kinds of things my mom did... behaving in the same victim-frame of mind... etc. Every single "old thought/defense mechanism/coping pattern" I had/have is being tweaked right now. Hell of a challenge and I feel as if I'm only just keeping my head above water... I want to flee my own house right now... their sheer presence in it is enough to cause me to want to scream.

Awful, ain't it? My own kid. But there it is. Fingers crossed - not many more days till she's able to head off to the next chapter by herself.

OK Guest - I'll play!! (thanks)

If I have to continually check whether or not my view of reality matches some generalized version of it in 3-D... I'm going to be too busy to be happy - much less do anything else!! LOL! For me, the problem would be - which version is most valid? So, I take a more subjective view (or so I've been told)...

My view of reality is what is around me... what is coming at me... to deal with (foreground of the picture) against the larger view of what I know for a fact is possible (background). I know that many, many things exist in the background - even some that I don't know about and don't see at all. The unseen reality is almost as important to me... thoughts, ideas, feelings... as what is tangible. And I think we all have different tunnels into the unseen reality... so we don't always agree on what that reality is.

That said - I find this keeps life really interesting and fun - finding out how other people see the unseen reality... and I guess this kind of makes me a people person, even if I don't like large groups all at once!

But... does this go on the list for a healthy ego? Maybe we could rephrase this... I think I know what you mean... that it's necessary to face reality, without spinning it into some self-soothing BS or denying accountability or responsibility or blaming or...
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Re: Spring Project: Design a healthy ego
« Reply #39 on: February 26, 2011, 11:09:44 AM »
PHEW! Inhale... slooooow..... exhale...... slooow....

They left Fri. morning for a sight-unseen affordable apartment. Unfortunately, the water won't be turned on until Monday, so they are hotel'ing it for the weekend. It's not a nice place at all - but it is safe and the boys can go back to their current school; mom can go back to work (fingers crossed); and they can begin the tasks of sorting out how they got into this mess and how to get somewhere better. She is hoping to get some counselling contacts on Monday...

It's hard to explain - but being in the same space with this D makes my skin crawl and ramps up my inner anxiety to the point of obsessing about my own past... how she might be mirroring (and whom)... and well, I don't trust her and really she hasn't given me any reason to trust her - even at the most basic level, of whether she is or has a genuine self or if the words that come out of her mouth have any real meaning to her, or if she's merely saying what she thinks I want to hear. This is just the latest rendition of rescue that's gone on over the course of 16 years so far.... and I know things will be fine for a bit now; maybe 6 months... like she's gotten a booster shot of vitamins or sanity or peace of mind. It always wears off because she doesn't know how to create it herself - and it matters not how many times she's had it explained or shown to her or the level of support she's had to create and sustain it.

But the boundary has been drawn - she can't stay here. Despite the words coming out of her mouth it was obvious that is what she wanted to me to ask her to do. She is 35 and a mom herself. It is not my job to provide safety, order and nurturing to her boys - and I shouldn't be required to do this for her now, either. Whether I choose to and for how long is my own decision. And I'd already inconvenienced and disturbed my hubs, my dog and 3 cats... everyone gave up something to allow her to regroup here.
Especially me. My compassion chain's been jerked by her so many times - it's a desperate situation mom! - only to have her merely cycle through again, again, and again... I'm beginning to think that empathy and compassion makes a person out to be a sucker and a fool.**

At 11, she found a way to manipulate and orchestrate things in such a way as to hurt me deeply; so deeply I sunk back into a Twiggy-style space for a while. Her sister was affected, too. And the last 16 years haven't done anything to prove that she even understands what she did or how many times she has repeated the same aggressive act in varying degrees of self-loathing and catastrophe... for some hidden-even-to-her motive. She is not a well person. Both sister and I know this and we have been distancing ourselves for a 3-4 years now. As a result, I've also kept pretty high boundaries and much distance between myself and the boys. We have explained to her many times that she risks losing the boys - and it does seem to matter to her, but not necessarily for the expected reasons. I know I dare not put myself out there as being able to care for them and I'm trying to convince my other D not to offer this, as well - tho she would in a heartbeat. Both she and I need to be able to live our lives without "caring for a sick one"  - or being the only adults in the situation. To heal ourselves.

D has a scaffold of support where she is now... the beginnings anyway. Those people won't have the same sensitivities I do, can be more objective, and perhaps she'll even hear them better than she hears me...

so I'm releasing the outcome.

** So, a healthy ego offers compassion, empathy... where it's appreciated with gratitude, and offers appropriate help on the basis of hoping to see it bear fruit. If there is no fruit on a particular tree - no matter how much or what combination of compassion and help - it's time to find another tree and let go, with as much love as can be mustered.
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Re: Spring Project: Design a healthy ego
« Reply #40 on: February 26, 2011, 12:17:48 PM »
Oh, Amber.


Words still fail.

I am thinking of you.

You have done the best that you can for her.
Perhaps your other D will want to help her nephews, that would be for her to decide...
but God.

How much it has hurt you. I am so terribly sorry.

I understood what you said about whether she's connected to herself or just saying what she thinks you want to hear. My guess is that even without such disorder, it's not uncommon for kids to not want to, or be able to, be so authentic with their parents. So both healthy and UNhealthy kids are often just saying what they think we want to hear...because they don't want to be in the dialogue.

I am glad you are protecting your sanity.
And glad they are safe again for now.

With hope and love,

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Spring Project: Design a healthy ego
« Reply #41 on: February 26, 2011, 03:26:44 PM »

After 16 years of being my second or even taking over where/when I wouldn't or couldn't go, in this struggle with D1... D2 has neglected her own life and is only just now, after maybe 3 years, beginning to arrange a foundation from which to grow herself. I will oppose her throwing this away - throwing herself under the bus - to step up and take in children with serious issues and stretch herself so thin that she never gains the traction she needs to finish growing her own soul. She has a monumental head-start on her sister... but still needs to learn some things and focus on herself and her own life. She's not stable enough herself, to be able to give this much yet - and she knows this.

We've discussed the boys, she and I, for years. We're not faced with that situation at the moment - I just know it's still a possibility. And as awful as that is; sounds; to one of us Tiger-Mamas... a fate worse than death almost... reality is, that it may actually be an improvement in the little one's lives. I won't let D2 sacrifice all the work she's done; obstacles (even self-perpetuated ones) overcome; and real-life accomplishments that she's gained in the last few years - I won't let her sacrifice all this because of the lack of same on her sister's part. That's a pattern we broke - on purpose - for very, very good reason. D1 would easily drag D2 right on down the crapper with her... and mom ain't gonna let THAT happen.

So, fingers crossed. No holding breath or expecting leopard to change spots... no miracles expected. I'll settle for plodding along baby steps... and support each step that leads in the right direction, as best I can. And release the outcome. I'm starting to bounce back... maybe I'll be recovered by Monday and can talk about something else. I've processed most of this out now... and D1 knows that no one can do what needs to be done - except her; for her and her boys. We'll see what the universe provides this time, won't we?
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Re: Spring Project: Design a healthy ego
« Reply #42 on: February 28, 2011, 02:52:01 PM »
I love what happened as I read your post, ((((((Amber)))))):

I read the first paragraph, and word of honor, the phrase "Tiger Mama" popped into my head. I heard that power and recognized what it meant.

Then I read the next paragraph, and you said, "Tiger Mama."

You are determined to save D2, not let her abandon herself. And you have faith that she has taken strength from your determination...even enough to acquire her own.

Kudos, Mama.

Meanwhile, care for Amber -- even tigers get tired.

Are you doing okay?


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Spring Project: Design a healthy ego
« Reply #43 on: February 28, 2011, 04:53:20 PM »
Yes, I'm doin OK - hubs insists on it and reminds me that I've neglected him for a week, for good measure ;)

D1 is getting her life together back in old area now... even brave enough to return to the jerk-lair and retreive more belongings. Should be getting contacts for counselling today...

D2 will be fine... as long as she doesn't cross the boundary of trying to do what she thinks D1 should do; D1 really, really NEEDS to do it herself and have the accomplishment of that...

I'm just quiet now... & busy trying to not let projects that got interrupted last week slide or fall through cracks... quiet is REAL good...
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