Author Topic: Lovely Birthday :)  (Read 1755 times)


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Lovely Birthday :)
« on: March 06, 2011, 12:35:20 AM »
Hi all,

It was my son's birthday yesterday and we had such a lovely day I thought I would share it :)

I bought him three gifts - a mini trampoline for his playroom, a large one for the garden and a small sandpit.  As he has special needs the trampolines help rebalance his vestibular system and the sand play is a good sensory activity (plus of course all lots of fun :)  Originally I was just going to buy the large trampoline but as it had been reduced I was able to get the other bits at the same time.

I put the small trampoline up myself before he woke up, so he was on that within a minute of getting out of bed.  We went out in the morning to our local craft group, where they'd made him a cake and all sang to him.  We made some bits and pieces; whilst we were there my sister and nephew were at our house putting the big trampoline up as a suprise for him.  He was made up when we got home and got straight on it (even though it was freezing!).  My sister stayed and had lunch, then I took him out to the cinema.  After the film we went out for tea, and then when we got home the neighbour's children came round for birthday cake.  Then a couple of my friends arrived and one of them had bought him a game he wanted for his PlayStation so he was over the moon and declared himself to be a very happy chap :)

On top of all of that loveliness this birthday was the first ever that we have not received any unpleasant things via post or email from family members and when we were out in the morning my step-dad (who sexually abused me) drove past staring at me.  I used to get such awful panic attacks when I saw him, but I stared right back at him and he looked away.  Cowardly little man.

So all in all it was a perfect day, my son was very happy and is now sleeping soundly with his new Playstation game clutched to his chest :)

Thanks for sharing :) xx


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Re: Lovely Birthday :)
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2011, 07:49:42 AM »
(((((((((((((((((((((TwoAPenny and Son)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I'm so happy for BOTH of you!!!!   :D

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Lovely Birthday :)
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2011, 09:14:10 AM »
You just created a wonderful memory - I hope you have many more to come!
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.


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Re: Lovely Birthday :)
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2011, 09:52:36 AM »
What a wonderful day, Tupp!

I really enjoyed reading how much you and your son enjoyed the day.

That you didn't have a panic attack, and stared down the cowardly pervert sd, was good too.

Sorry you had/have to deal with that.

Seems they would put these people in jail, and protect other victims.



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Re: Lovely Birthday :)
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2011, 02:13:45 PM »
Aw thanks everyone!  One thing I forgot to mention was that when we were out having something to eat, the lady at the next table (who was eating alone) leant over and told me that she loved my shoes - the slightly crazy ones that I bought a couple of weeks ago!  So we chatted for a while and it was really nice - well done to the shoes!

It's been a really nice weekend :)

Lighter, in a way I was quite pleased to deal with him - because I dealt with it well so it felt like a good step forward.  Yes, he should be in prison, and he certainly shouldn't be around my sister's daughter.  I feel so bad for that poor little girl.  The authorities know but won't do anything.  It's a disgusting state of affairs.  She's quite young though, and his preference has generally been teenage girls not very young ones, so hopefully he'll be dead before she gets old enough for him to start bothering her.  He's in his late sixties now and not in good health, so here's hoping he's gone sooner rather than later.  I tell everyone about him now though, so I just hope maybe that will keep him in check - he knows I'm not afraid and he knows I don't keep quiet anymore - maybe that would make him less likely to do anything to her?  Difficult to know really.  Revolting little man.


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Re: Lovely Birthday :)
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2011, 09:05:26 PM »
Thanks for sharing. Glad you had fun. :)


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Re: Lovely Birthday :)
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2011, 07:08:02 AM »

I'm so glad you're telling everyone about your molesting SF.

How brave and good of you to reach out and try to protect others.

You're such a brave/good/responsible maternal person.




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Re: Lovely Birthday :)
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2011, 09:11:20 AM »
Thank you Lighter :)  I'm starting to believe that now, but it's funny how your family can make you feel like you're the one in the wrong because you mention it?  The more people I've told, the more people who've responded that they weren't suprised.  One of my friend's told me that her sister has always referred to him as 'the pervert', even though she's never known about what he did, simply because of the way he always used to look her up and down.  And several friends have told me the reason they rarely came to my house as kids was because he made them feel so uncomfortable.  I think the more positive responses you get - I mean in terms of people believing you and accepting your word, the easier it gets to say it out loud.

Thank you, NLS :)  I hope things start to settle for you soon, it's horrible when those sort of PTSD symptoms sneak up on you and force you to deal with them.  Hope you're getting stronger and that it starts getting easier soon xxx