Well people, true to form, my mum has decided to make sure people don't forget about her or what she's like!
My step-sister's mum died yesterday morning (my mum is married to her ex husband). My step--sister was badly beaten by her mum as a child and has had no contact with her for many years now. She has an older brother who has learning difficulties and he rang and said he wanted her there and wanted her to be involved in the funeral arrangements and so on. She has gone for his sake and, as you can imagine, is feeling very mixed up and emotional right now.
When they got to the hospital they were informed that my mum was making all the arrangements - she had called them and told them that the son was not mentally competent so everything had to go through her and the hospital were to call her and no-one else. There was a meeting with social workers planned for this morning, which my mum had declared she would be attending as it was in the son's 'best interests'. My sister and I looked at each other and thought "here we go again".
He said he wanted his sister there, not my mum, so we told him to call my mum and tell her that she didn't need to come because the sister would be there. She was miffed! As I'm sure you can imagine. I offered to go along to write things down as my sister is dyslexic so we got there this morning to find the brother very upset because my mum had called him this morning to warn him to watch his back as his sister would try and push him out, take over and make his life a misery - no mum, I think that's your job!!
She's since called him again to tell him she had received a call from the hospital but conveniently she didn't have a name, number or a message to pass on. The guy has learning difficulties, his mum's just died, and Mrs Narcissist is determined to make sure no-one forgets about her in the meantime.
Fortunately we have spoken to the social workers involved and explained the situation to them; they are going to sort out an advocate for him who will deal with everything so that my mother will not be able to weave her spell over people.
Jesus!! I have no time for my step-sister's mum because I know how badly she hurt her, but I can still understand it's a difficult and confusing time and I know when it's best just to say polite things and not start dragging out the family crap. Sadly my mother does not.
Anyway just wanted to have a moan - you'd think one day she'd stop doing this but no, she just keeps on going. Of course I should add that they live a five minute walk away from the son, but have yet to visit him to see how he is and have told him that they are away over the weekend and he's not to call them because they need a break. Makes your heart sing, doesn't it?
I think I can honestly say that once she finally dies I will just feel the biggest sense of relief that I will not have to hear about this kind of thing going on within my family anymore.
Thank you for reading!