Hi GS,
I am really sorry about this dog thing.
I don't want to add judgment, but maybe shed a little light on where her judgment may have come from.
I trained to volunteer at the SPCA, have read a ton of dog books, etc. My understanding of TRUE "dog-people" (as in, sometimes nearly obsessed, but bless 'em) -- is that, whether or not it's fair to you in your unique and painful circumstances, I believe the thinking of a "True Dog Person" (I am a Dog Lover but not motivated or disciplined or as responsible with pets as a True Dog Person to do it right all the time, not by a looong shot)...anyway, their reasoning is:
--any dog that has not been spayed, and might come into heat, YES, should be either penned (or in a securely fenced yard) or if there is no securely fenced yard available, only --and regularly--walked on a leash. Full stop.
Doesn't matter about anybody's individual circumstances or feelings about gifts or whatever, True Dog People don't take that into account. In a True Dog Person way, the SPCA and similar organizations would view "not containing an unspayed dog" or even "letting any dog run off-leash other than in an official dog-park area ever, etc" as "irresponsible dog owner."
I am not saying that is who you are. And I'm not saying it's fair. But Dog People would say that fits those criteria.
I don't know about this specific adoption agreement or understanding or expectation conveyed (or sounds more like it was NOT conveyed but assumed), but when I read breed rescue sites, for example, I'm always quite amazed at how vigorously clearly it is conveyed that if for ANY reason those who made the dog available, later determine that (according to their Dog People rules), the dog is not being responsibly restrained/contained, then the adoption can be cancelled and the dog reclaimed.
Only reason I'm telling you this is in the hope that it might help you not take this so personally. It's just True Dog People rules. The truth is, as difficult as it might be to prevent, the dog ran loose more than once, and eventually was nearly killed because of it.
So the way Dog People see it, it would be an adoption to cancel.
It's not about YOU. It's just about the True Dog People Rules.
Hope that helps you not see this as personal GS victimization. I think it's not...just that the True Dog Person is finding it not okay for a dog to be hit by a car and so...the dog needs to live somewhere where that danger is not present.
Whether you, or anyone, was the adopter -- I truly believe the outcome, in their view, should be the same.
love to you, and hope everyone heals fast...