thanks, Mud...I would happily do that. If it could hold up...
But in the interim, a good piece of reporting appeared that has neutralized his demand for now.
(And when objections were raised, he covered his rear a bit, at least in front of the whole staff.
Behind closed doors--yesterday--he said, "My opinion is if employees have an issue because of ethics, they should just get over it.")
If he doesn't renew or maintain the demand, it may go away.
I was disgusted and upset by the whole thing...but not surprised. For me, the N-ness and sexism and bullying and all the creepy things he's done, have always happened when we were alone. He's verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry slick at manipulating in groups, so it literally took me TWO YEARS to convince my one colleague that anything weird was going on. That helped.
But the bottom line is, once my house is sold and I'm settled, I need to renew my efforts to build some security that doesn't depend on Nboss. I'm lucky to be employed in this economy and can't afford to walk away....61 y/o, white town.
I literally can't take on a new battlefront right now, though. Too tired. Trying to keep health up, and I'm so weary that one more effort/conflict would be just too much.
Helped a lot to vent about it here, though. And now Nboss is away for a week. Bliss!
PR, thanks for pointing out the difference between being safe and feeling safe. Good reminder, and I'll take that to work with me this morning.
I think I'm actually safe, because I would not easily be replaced. Then again, he could allow his inner demons to tank the whole thing, dunno.
He promptly scheduled a "review my job description" kind of meeting with me...away from the although he'll be charrrrrrrrrrrrrming, I know that's where the next discomfort wave will be. He'll dandle promotion in front of my face and then whisk it away.