Unless your squirrels are hungrier than ours, I think they'll leave most of them alone! Daffodils and Alliums, especially.
I've not had any problem with grape hyacinths either - both urban and boondock squirrels didn't bother them.
Tulips, I wish I could plant - I have so many bulbs at the old house - but our little herd of deer here are multiplying; we're not allowed to hunt to them and even shrubs and young trees have to be caged to protect them from the hungry buggers. Deer away and other products require repetition in applying - but they do work and most are organic now.
Where I live now is Xtreme gardening; we have almost no humus in the soil - it's all sand - so I've been losing even my never-fail standby plants. Thinking I'm going to have to xeriscape, seriously.
Fall planting is so much fun - you're investing in a glorious spring! OH... and I don't know if this will appeal to you, Hubs decided to take pictures of what came up in the spring, so we'd know where we planted things. At one time, I used to have multiple layers of tracing paper - with the base being what was there, and successive years overlaid on top. It's a little anal, I gotta admit - but I had a lot of stuff over half an acre at one time and couldn't always remember what things were called, etc.