On grocery store speaker there was a poem that stuck with me. It was The Laughing Heart by Charles Bukowski.
I started looking up some of his poetry and then it brought me to this.
I'm thinking to myself that maybe I shouldn't post it, maybe it's offensive. Please don't take it that way if it doesn't apply or is not your thing.
"What do psychiatric patients get? They get a bill.
I think the problem between the psychiatrist and the patient is that the psychiatrist goes by the book, while the patient arrives because of what life has done to him or her. And even though the book may have certain insights, the pages are always the same in the book, and, each patient is a little bit different. There are many more individual problems than pages. Get it? There are too many mad people to do it by saying, "dollars per hour, when this bell rings, you're finished." That alone will drive any near-mad person to madness. They've just started to open up and feel good, when the shrink says, "Nurse, make the next appointment," and they've lost track of the price, which is also abnormal. It's all too stinking worldly. The guy is out to take your ass. He's not out to cure you. He wants his money. When the bell rings, bring in the next "nut." Now the sensitive "nut" will realize when that bell rings, he's being fucked. There's no time limit to curing madness, and there's no bills for it either. Most psychiatrists I've seen look a little close to the edge themselves. But they're too comfortable...I think they're all too comfortable. I think a patient wants to see a little madness, not too much. Ahhhh! (bored) PSYCHIATRISTS ARE TOTALLY USELESS! Next question? "
When he says: there are many more individual problems then pages. Get it?
I like that part!
Made me think, does he mean each person has more problems then there are pages or that there are so many different types of problems.
I think he really means since every person is different each person gets to have their own unique problem.
But I kind of like thinking that I have many more problems then could even ever fit into THE BOOK. That way the whole idea of being cured is completely ridiculous.
Kind of takes the pressure off. The pressure to get cured.
At the moment it's reassuring to me to think that THE BOOK just doesnt fit everybody and everybodys problems. I mean I know that but it's nice to read someone else that thinks so.
Sometimes I think to get cured would mean to erase me in totality. That fundamentally I am just messed up in an unfixable way and would require complete rebuild.
I mean, I identify with every thing that is "wrong" with me. I have become accustom to the unacceptable imperfect parts. Doesnt mean that I like them but I view the messed up aspect of me as ME.
I feel like the object of hate all of a sudden after writing that. Oh well. enough for now.