Hi everyone -
This is my first post so forgive me if it is long but I need to include a bit of background.
I have a N Mother and a N sister who are also both very critical , negitive and controlling so I did not count very much growing up - my feelings, my needs, what I wanted,etc was secondary. I have the same issues as most people here because of this. Specifically, growing up I learned that in order to be loved, I had to give up everything of myself, ignore my own needs, suppress my own feelings and put my Mother and whatever she wanted before anything else, even if it was detrimental to me. My Mother promoted discord between my sister and I because we fought for her attention, to be on the "A" list as she could only be nice to one of us at the same time which meant we went from being loved and adored one second and then discarded and ignored the next second, over and over again. I also have major trust issues because my Mother has used things that I have told her at a vulnerble moment or when she was pretending to be a caring, loving person, against me at a latter time, at a time when it would hurt the most or be the most destructive to me.
My relationships usually mirror that which I had with my Mother on some level and I date people with commitment issues and who are not faithfull even though loyalty and fidelity are so important to me.
I recently broke up with someone who is a narcissistic sociopath. We were together for a year. I was 100% in love with him and trusted him more than I have ever trusted anyone.
When we met I did not want to date him because of his history and other issues- he is 17 years older then me, he has been divorced for 12 years and has not had a relationship longer than 6 months since this time and has a history of being unfaithful. He did everything to convince me that this would be different, that he had spent the last few years not dating, dealing with his issues, that he was remorseful for the things he had done to other women in the past and that he had never felt this way about anyone. He was so nice, warm, caring, etc that I eventually believed him and fell for him hard.
Long story short, a few months ago I discovered he had a complete separate life that I knew nothing about, he was using dating services the entire time we were together and he was sleeping with prostitutes. He denied everything, regardless of the evidence I had, told me he had gone on a few dates because he was feeling pressured, he handled it wrong, wanted to work on our relationship, could not think of not being with me, etc. The more he lied and denied things, the more I began to doubt myself and I became obsessed with finding out the truth. I went to great lengths to find out the truth but continued to believe every story or excuse he came up with to explain away whatever I had found out about. Instead of walking away, I believed anything he said because the truth was too painful
I felt annihilated, that I was worth nothing without him and could not possibly live without him. So for the last few months he has continued to tell me how much he loves me, that he is not dating other people, etc and little by little he separated from me while saying and doing everything to make sure I would not move on and now he is 100% over it and I still feel like we broke up yesterday. He told me that he was not ready to break up with me when I found out about everything as it was his intention to just start dating other people and when he found someone else he would have broken up with me. He also told me how much he has enjoyed stringing me along the last few months and how much he has enjoyed hurting me.
As my denial has worn off I have slowly realized that he is a totally different person than the person he portrayed himself to be and I know now the extent to which he lied to me and deceived me. This is difficult swallow and very painful. It has devastated me, I have been very depressed and I am barely functioning.
I could go on and on about the details of this, the things I wish I had done and wish I had not done but I know none of this matters anymore. I am still so hurt, so angry, enraged, etc and I don’t know how to deal with how I feel so I can let go and move on. I still have a difficult time believing the truth - believing that he has no conscience, that he has always known exactly how much he was hurting me but he did not care, etc I am also having a hard time dealing with the fact that he feels no remorse for what he did and he most likely never will. It also kills me that he walks away from this fine, that he is dating a million other people and could care less about me, while I am devastated and a complete mess.
Logically I know that he is sick, that this has nothing to do with me, that it is a blessing that I am not with him but emotionally I feel lunlovable and non-existent because of the things he did, because he no longer needs or wants me and because he has so easily moved on.
I want nothing more than to put this behind me, to heal and to be able to move on yet I honestly don’t know how to do this and this scares me because I cannot stand feeling this way. Any advise or suggestions as to how I can deal with this, how I can help myself, would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks -