Thank you all,
'ANY triangulation', Hops, made me see that clearly this should not be occurring, so I have cut that sister off, for the present and when I do, if I do, email her I know how I will handle it. Somehow I began to believe that she was lying....just picture that my D writes to her aunt and
always has a good word about me? What's to be talking about
all the time?
Nevertheless, I wanted no discussion about claim amounts with this spread......and no doubt managed to find a way to not write to her.
Yes, All, I feel better about this because of my lawyers 'unfinished' report, as I had not known the 'workings' of Future Care, and that it is one of 3 sections. I was expecting to have to go HIGH on the "General Damages" claim to account for my future. It's just 2 months and 17 days until I finally see that Specialist regarding the tics, tremors and shaking.....the one my Dr. and the Neurologist implied I was faking. That could change some figures.
I had Karla look at my spine, between my shoulder blades and push and poke etc until finally (I knew it was under there) she discovered an unnatural lump. She was being gentle so it took awhile, but that lump area is where the pain stabs and I became a 'puppet on some strings' shaking all over. Now she will come with me and point out the area, which I gather is difficult to find. (The neurologist never did even touch me, but my Dr. hit the mark, then walked away and sat down.)
In arriving at a total for future care, a table showing my life expectancy is used, showing 15.07 years, then...
the multiplier appropriate for determining the present value of annual expense extending 15 years into the future, at a 3.5% discount rate, is 11.5174.... to quote from my lawyer and the website I visited, that lawyer's use.
Believe me when I say one's health is far better than wealth, yet know we all need money to get by.
So Karla and I will be very good, the best, of friends when I am 87 and kick the bucket

and Future Care is for a Lifetime of Therapy. I have already paid her $7,271.25, out of pocket, and that will be returned to me under 'Special Damages', plus all medications and 1 wheelchair, etc. (I had to buy a new w/c and didn't know what size with the swollen thigh, but went on the assumption it was going to go back to normal. My Lawyer said, Ok, and if not then just buy another I have a 16" and need a 17", and he'll see that I get it!
Karla came for my exercises yesterday and then we went for ice cream, by the lake, a short 6 blocks from here. Her husband heard about a program on TV and told her, as he expects I would like it, and she forgot it, so I will check through the channels tonight---or maybe it's tomorrow night! They're 42 and a bit like my kids, with no kids.