Well, Boat... thanks for describing what you tried, so well! Sounds like you're really tired (and maybe frustrated too?) Here's what I know...
once you've gone so far as to reset to the factory defaults, you're probably going to need the original operating system CDs. Some companies will call these system restore disks. IF you don't have these, all is not lost as far as getting the computer up & running again. But it's not something I can help you with. You'll need to contact the company's tech support division - online, phone - and get their assistance. You may have to send them the laptop, in some cases. [Tech support is getting lots better than it used to be in my experience. I used to avoid them like the plague; and even got myself in the same situation you're in recently with my Kindle. Could've saved myself a ton of agony, if I'd called tech support sooner.]
OR, if you know someone who's heavily into computers, they may be able to help you out with the operating system. There is kinda an underground network of people who "know people"... and a lot of tech people do favors for people. Just be sure the person you're trusting with the machine is really as skilled as advertised.
Your files, however are another story. Factory default is the fresh out-of-the-box version of your computer and all your personalization and customizations have been wiped out. Hopefully, you have a jump (thumb) drive or CD backup of your important files that you can copy back, once you're back in business. Additionally, you'll need to re-install all applications.
Not much help, was I? I'm sorry.

Resetting the defaults is kind of a point of no return, and I was hoping you'd not gone that far yet. If it's any comfort, that's exactly what I did to my Kindle... it's a logical step when you've tried everything else, right? Taking your computer back in time is called a system restore. It was the right thing to try, too. And then, you probably should've walked away from it and done something else for awhile; come back refreshed to go on from there. You would've avoided what I call the tech-death-spiral; it's what happens when each problem-solving possibility only adds more layers of complexity to the problem, more choices and the human involved gets more & more desperate and upset - and we know we make questionable decisions in that state, right? I know this spiral well, having been there enough times myself.
For the original problem - with Word - I'd have suggested uninstalling it and then re-installing it. Just Word; nothing else. I've seen this application just "puke" for no real reason (that's tech jargon)... and this is the fastest, easiest and least complicated and least harmful thing to try, to clear the problem, first. It works about 90% of the time.
Arrrgggh! I really wish I could've come up with the solution for you. Sounds like you need a bright spot about now, and having your 'puter working is like a lifeline for some of us, I know. I'll keep my fingers crossed that a fix is forthcoming, in short order, for you. At least, I KNOW your computer can be fixed easily, it's just a matter of access to the disks... unlike our FOOs. Hang in there, hon...