There is just nothing but nothing but nothing.
It was in the end, too difficult for my own well being and anxiety level, to be completely NC with my parents. So I began a process of what a counselor suggested as 'detaching with love'. Extending a very long olive branch so to speak, to relieve the stress, and to be able to focus on my life again and my family, while moving toward a permanent, healthier distance.
My 24yr old cousin died earlier this year, and through her funeral, I spoke with my mother, and we've seen them face to face a couple of times since then. All at her behest. He appears not to care. My mother, empty at the core, makes brazen attempts to force my wife and I to come deeper into her web again during conversation, and to entangle the children into her image. My father, who wounded me mortally a year and a half ago with a letter that, was the final step in destroying our relationship in my opinion, sits there and makes a little small talk toward my wife, like nothing happened, and while he speaks to me a little, its easy to see that he doesn't care. He doesn't care if I exist - or if I ever did. Its about him, and 'his wife'.
Its as if his eyes have grown dark. Even though I see my mother as the center of their collective narcissism, I somehow don't blame her as much because she is so mentally handicapped by her condition. I can blow off her stupid comments, and disingenuous words. But him, no I have a harder time with that. I hold him accountable. Yet he sits there silent and arrogant as they come, while looking on the outside like a great and respectable person to others, I know him too well. I remember a time when there was still a light in his eyes, and he seemed to understand, but, not anymore. Just an empty, cold hearted shell of a person I once knew. He has, in a way, become her. He has taken on the role of the core Narcissist - for lack of my own understanding of how to rightly explain it.
I feel abandoned, and betrayed. I know the situation in my conscious mind, but in my subconscious, I have not fully grasped it I guess. There is still that part of me waiting - no matter how much they - and he - have wounded me - and my family, for them to come around. But theres just nothing, and they won't. Just empty words from her, and a blank stare from him.
Its a sad state to exist in, and I often wonder how their last days will play out, and how we will all interact in the minutes, or years to come.
It's about learning to exist in this big grey nothing of a relationship, and to be ok with it.