Author Topic: Thanksgiving?  (Read 3594 times)


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Re: Thanksgiving?
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2011, 02:33:42 AM »
I plan to hide out under my covers till the Holidaze blows over and generally frown or freeze-expression my face into a vacant look if anybody smiles at a lot of avoidance. On Thanksgiving an alternate universe vortex opens up exactly like at Halloween but instead of run of the mill gremlins and ghosts...something entirely different emerges the one day of the year called Thanksgiving and it's way too scary to even mention. Shhhh...

A neighbor has a turkey fenced into their yard along with some little goats, the turkey has a hairy chest. Have you ever been close up to a live turkey? They don't come from this planet.


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Re: Thanksgiving?
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2011, 08:58:25 PM »
Turkey anticipation is in the air...people are for the most part smiling more. I was hoping to go get a pair of knitting needles so I could hunker down and knit a hat but it was getting too late and cold outside to wait for a bus so I decided not to.

One of my "room-mates" that has really been a treat to live with shared a story with me today...not only did some anonymous person buy her a turkey but she is going to spend the day making turkey at her daughter's new apartment. (Daughter lived here previously). For them it is going to be one of the first "real" Thanksgivings they have had in a long time. She mentioned that last Thanksgiving she was so depressed that she just stayed in bed all day and the Thanksgivings before that she was in rehab of some sorts or otherwise not doing very well and wasn't able to have a Thanksgiving. She was in the grocery store doing Thanksgiving day shopping and was having a panic attack!--she has a service dog that is suppose to help calm her down.

She called into a radio station and told them about the turkey that was gifted to her and her story made the cut and so was broadcasted. She is just elated. I think it's sort of nice to see things change for people to know that even though they have been through a lot of hard stuff that right now there are positive things happening and that the long dark tunnel isn't as bad for them right now. This is the mother of the bulimic daughter. I still have very mixed feelings about that and clearly it's not a happy-ever-after situation for them but at least she has a huge smile on her face.

« Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 09:02:36 PM by Boat that Rocks »


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Re: Thanksgiving?
« Reply #17 on: November 24, 2011, 10:02:33 AM »
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!  I hope everyone here manages to do something nice for themselves today, find some peace, feel happiness. I'm so grateful for you all, Dr. Grossman, and the types of conversations that exist on this board...

You all make it so much easier to find dark humor in the N-insanity (there must be a new term in there somewhere, maybe, "N-sanity").

I'm in the turkey trenches at the moment and finding it all rather hilarious.  This visit with NM has brought new developments:

- NM has purged her house of almost every photo of me, and hung pictures of my GC sister everywhere.  So eerie.   There's also a wall of photos devoted to my two-year-old daughter, which features a big painted sign next to it that reads "Grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your children."  Subtle huh?  That passive aggressive move had DH and I in stitches.

- This morning, NM actually worked herself into fake tears.  It was an Oscar-worthy performance for sure!  And I quote: "I'm getting old!  I won't be around forever you know!  You have to accept that!  That's why you really need to be closer to your sister...Family is so important.  The two of you need to have each other to lean on."  It's all such a sham attempt to cover her tracks.  To make it look like NM is trying to reconcile GC sister and I when NM was the one who has always pit us against each other, stirred the pot, played favorites, started rumors, made my relationship with GC so bad to begin with. 

- Oh, NM who is being very angry/controlling about the terms of my N-sis' divorce, made some statement about how she was probably going to get herself arrested.  I said, "And why would you get yourself arrested NM?"  Oh, she said for bringing N sis' daughter to visit me.  I managed to gently but firmly say, "If you kidnap your granddaughter without permission, bring her over state lines, etc., you'll never see that granddaughter again.  You'll have a criminal record, NM.  There will be consequences." Never really stood up to her like that before.  But I was really horrified.

Did manage to set a boundary though.  NM was trying to say she wanted to bring GC sis and I together and mediate.  Pardon my French, but are you *hitting me?!  Very calmly managed to say, "Please don't inject yourself.  It makes things worse. I feel more comfortable working it out myself."  Wanted to scream, "Stop triangulating you evil phony!"  But did not.  Doubt she accepted this (NM will constantly be whispering about me in GC's ear), but it felt good to assert myself.

One day left at NM's house...Only one day.  Lord, give me strength!  Give me patience!  She's not in her right mind, I am.  She's incapable of acting any other way, but I CAN relate to her differently.  Kay x
« Last Edit: November 24, 2011, 10:08:08 AM by KayZee »


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Re: Thanksgiving?
« Reply #18 on: November 24, 2011, 12:21:22 PM »

OMG, I love this! Thank you for putting a little smile on my face this morning. I plan on having a wonderful day by avoiding all that "N-sanity." For those of you who have no choice but to deal with your nightmare FOO today, hang in there and remember that it will be over tomorrow. They can't get to us unless we let them, so DON'T LET THEM.

Peace to all. Happy Thanksgiving.



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Re: Thanksgiving?
« Reply #19 on: November 24, 2011, 12:30:26 PM »
NM has purged her house of almost every photo of me, and hung pictures of my GC sister everywhere.

Arrrghhhh. This seems to be something that they all do. My NM also has a shrine to my GC brother, and not one photo of me (she actually returned all of my childhood photos to me with a note saying that she was going to throw them out, so was sending them to me in case I wanted them). I wonder what she tells other family members who come to dinner, that they lost the photos of the other children? Never took any? In a way, I'm glad that my NM has done this. It's a very public display of favoritism that most sane people would question.


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Re: Thanksgiving?
« Reply #20 on: November 24, 2011, 11:02:29 PM »
Happy T Day!!!

It was the opposite here.  I had my sis/family and N friend invited herself to dinner with us.  It was good (and almost like she wasn't here) she was very quiet.

I went to warm a plate of food for my S and dropped it.  All the food flew into the air rained, turkey, veggies, stuffing, all landing on my niece and nephew's head while little dogs ran around in Santa helper outfits cleaning house.  We all fell on the floor laughing.  My N friend sat eating and didn't even crack a smile.   

Sometimes they are just not in the moment.........or..........our planet's moment's. 

All in all it was a good day!!!