Well. When one learns something like tai chi... one is re-wiring the brain. It requires repetition... it's not like getting an oil change: 20 minutes and you're good as new! LOL...
When one finds oneself in a brand-new situation without a lot of previous experience that could apply (or referential contexts)... sometimes one accidentally re-wires the brain (let's say in an incorrect way)... and then as one gains more experience in that new situation... one gradually adapts to it and learns the contexts, the subtexts, the nuances. A more correct way... or one that simply works better & smoother.
Usually the first response one makes to that new, unique situation, is with what one already KNOWS... and what has worked in the past... EVEN when that response is a complete non-sequitor. "Take me to your leader", the alien demands. "Hi. Are you an alien? Can you read my mind? Why aren't you green?" Bzzzzt! The alien has no patience or experience with a challenge to an order.... but he STILL doesn't know where the "leader" is. [THAT worked well, huh?]
Neuroscience, or more properly, Neuropsychology... has come a long, long way from simply "looking at pictures" of the brain or feeling bumps on someone's head, or comparing weights and sizes... in fact, just the idea that the physical attributes of one's brain somehow "predicts" or "limits" or "controls" personality, imagination, emotional well-being.... well, that's kinda old hat. It seems there's a trend now, to believe that even if the scientists can create a technology that reveals the most elusive secret physical workings of the brain -- it's still not going to answer or explain or point the path to a solution - to "cure" the human condition.
One thing that has jumped up to bite my pompous, over-intellectual behind recently... is that a.) all the caring for and about someone in the world, even a mom's unconditional love... and b.) all the delicate, cautious care in choosing one words... doesn't mean that someone is going to hear you until they're READY to hear you... and they have a "context" that the topic makes sense in. It doesn't apply to them and they don't know what you're talking about... [long, personal story... sigh]