I was just looking back at earlier years here...there were such diverse voices here, and so many different people.
There were some spats now and then...but overall, the Board felt like a lively, diverse place with many different
contributions and few voices dominating.
My wish for the Board for the New Year is that more people come back, post more, claim oxygen, assert their own
vigor or place in the dialogue...so that it feels like a big room, with many warm, well-lit conversational areas. So many
that even with my inevitable table-hopping, I could not possibly confuse myself with The Hostess, who in fact, I think
is The Great Giant Muse of Wellness--wiser than all of us. I'm just an old neurotic writer with ADD and the attention
span of a flea. But good intentions.
I am so very grateful personally for all the kindness, deep listening, learning, and amazing minds and hearts
I've been privileged to experience here. Dunno if other NY wishes will occur later that might cause me to post
a little less (dream on) -- but whether I'm a "proportionate participator" or a "raging voicehog" (please, No!) or
even absent a while in the new year...thank you.
Every single person here, I truly mean YOU--thank you. It has been such a joy and true lifesaver and healing force
for me...I can also never express to you, Doc G, adequately, what a force for good VESMB has been in my life.
Thank you.