Author Topic: Do Not Blame Yourself.  (Read 4115 times)


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Do Not Blame Yourself.
« on: October 05, 2003, 11:50:53 PM »
Don’t blame yourself.

Do you feel guilty? We often feel guilty because we are improperly blaming our self. We were trained to incorrectly assume  responsibility for others’ actions and behaviors. You were always led to believe it was your fault, and that you should feel bad about that. Naturally, you do! So, you do not need to blame yourself for feeling guilty. Just acknowledge that you feel that way. When you feel it, pause for a moment and say to yourself  “Yes, I feel guilty about these thoughts I am having.” But that’s OK, of course I do. I was carefully and systematically trained to feel guilty. Just don’t blame yourself for it, because it was deliberately put upon you. Then the next time you feel guilty just say to yourself - Ahh - See there - there it is, there’s that guilt that I was carefully conditioned to feel - it is still working, but now it is different because now I can see it. Say to your guilt in a friendly way “Hi Guilt - How are you today?” Become friends with it, and let it pass and it will slowly fade away.

Are you angry? Good. Anger is always a sign that something needs to change, so now you are in tune with that. And of course you are angry. You probably “weren’t allowed” to be angry. A person cannot be demeaned, devalued, and dismissed and denied their voice for a lifetime and not be a raging cauldron of anger! So, when you feel anger, know that it is through your anger that you will finally find your way out. It is the ultimate futility to blame yourself for being angry, or to feel angry and to tell yourself that you shouldn’t feel that way! Don’t say to yourself “I wouldn’t feel angry if only I were a better Christian, Muslim, Father, Wife, more Spiritual, less emotional, (fill in the blank here.)” Tell yourself the opposite. Tell yourself “You better believe I am angry - I have every right to be angry!” Be mad until you are not mad anymore. Do this for a long time and you will be surprised at what happens. Deny your anger and it will never leave you.

You entered this world as a perfectly loveable human being, with every right to be treated with respect and dignity. But you were not. And at some point you stopped believing that you deserved that. You stopped believing how wonderful you are. You started to believe the lies. You started to believe that you were “less than” and “not good enough” because they told you so. You were broken down and re-trained.

You were blamed for many things that were not your fault, so you are probably in the habit of blaming yourself, and it may be very difficult for you to avoid self-blame. Recognize how hard it will be for you to break this habit. Now, make a resolution to be gentle and kind with yourself, and begin!
Some examples of self-defeating blame:

“It is my fault that he is not happy with me”
“Maybe I really am ruining his life.”
“I blame myself for not anticipating and meeting Mom’s needs.”
“I feel guilty for meeting my needs in an appropriate way because it made him angry.”
“I wish I hadn’t disappointed them.”
“I guess I am not good enough.”

Discounted Girl

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Do Not Blame Yourself.
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2003, 02:58:01 AM »
Yeppers ,, you did it again Simon -- hit that Nnail on the Nhead ...  :wink:

I made a screen capture of your words and posted them onto a blank jpg file which is now my wallpaper on my notebook.

"Are you angry? Good. Anger is always a sign that something needs to change, so now you are in tune with that. And of course you are angry. You probably “weren’t allowed” to be angry. A person cannot be demeaned, devalued, and dismissed and denied their voice for a lifetime and not be a raging cauldron of anger! So, when you feel anger, know that it is through your anger that you will finally find your way out."

I have it in big angry red letters. Well, everyone keeps telling me to not be angry, give it up, let it go girl, put a period to it, move on, time to get on with it, yada-yada.

I don't have any of the self-defeating blame examples you cite at the end of your post, but I am quite certain I sub-un-consciously believed the last one for most of my life. I certainly don't believe it now, but I am totally p___ed off. I told a close relative this past weekend that I feel betrayed by most everyone I know (due to their lack of support) and the Queen N could not have conducted all her smear programs and campaigns to destroy me if she were not afforded ears to listen (even if the mouths belonging to those ears tell me they did not believe her). Nonetheless, I was not made privy to the smear campaigns (I thought she only tormented me in plain sight of myself) ..... anyhow, carried away again here. Just wanted to tell you Simon I agree with what you have posted, and once again, I thank you for your insight and help and providing me with lots of food for thought. Maybe some day I can change my name to Full Value  :D


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Do Not Blame Yourself.
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2003, 10:11:00 AM »
THANK YOU SIMON!  We needed that. Hugs.
CC - 'If it sucks longer than an hour, get rid of it!'


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Do Not Blame Yourself.
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2003, 11:10:28 AM »
Thank you for that.

I always feel guilty because I do things for me and not for my Nmom.  I try to do things with her, but she won't have any part of it.  So I just stopped trying.  So, I carry around this enormous burden of guilt.

And anger, yep, I have anger.  Lots of anger, and I have to find constructive ways to deal with it or it just eats at me.

I don't say your whole list at the bottom, but at least two or three of them.

Thanks so much.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
-Elanor Roosevelt


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Anger is where I am at right now!
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2003, 08:44:21 PM »
Argh! Those last sentences still echo in my head. I have always felt guilty about not being good enough for my parents. But today? They could die and I swear I wouldn't shed a tear. That is so cruel! I know! But I keep those thoughts for myself (and this board... hope none of you feel like emotional punching bags). I will pass over this hatred and anger I know this. I just don't want to make excuses for them anymore and try to "understand" them. What they did to me was unacceptable - that's all there is to it. I have to process this and understand a whole lifetime of self-destructive patterns. I never asked for this. It is not my fault.

Yes I have done lots of stupid stuff, sometimes I have hurt others. But I feel guilt and I try not to do it again. My parents hurt me? They would say "My heart pumps piss for you" or "Oh you poor thing, get over it".
Heartless stupid people!!!!!!

Anger. I feel it. I have never felt it before because I was told that it was all my fault anyway if I received any of their insults or beatings. That anger that I repressed turned itself against me. No more. Not from them or anyone else. I'm not looking for revenge, justice, retribution, aknowledgement... nothing. I want them out of my life period.


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Do Not Blame Yourself.
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2003, 09:42:57 PM »
Simon, you provided a whirlwind tour of my emotions being married to a N-husband and growing up with N-parents.  I am moved to tears.

Funny to read this today, because just lately I have been so angry with the whole lost relationship, and this latest bout of severe anger is the final death knell!! Yes, I too felt at first that this anger wasn't right.  My shrink says it is absolutely OK and appropriate to feel anger, and sorrow, over the failed marriage to a supremo N.

The other issue is blame.  I've been thinking about how since I was a kid, time, and time, and time again when absolutely stupid or trivial incidents happened that I wasn't even a direct part of, and yet somehow I felt that I was somehow to blame.  I guess that is a form of narcissim in itself, attributing so much power to yourself over the environment that even when screw-ups happen outside your control you were still somehow powerful enough to cause the screw-ups.

Relating anger to feelings of responsibility:  For all these years in the marriage I truly believed that I was causing his misery and bad behavior.  He had me convinced that everything was my fault.  But then, as I started growing as a person, I started slowly seeing that it was not me who was ALWAYS to blame. And it was NOT me who was controlling in the relationship -- in fact when we look at our major life decisions (moving, careers, kids) I deferred to him every time!!  Now THAT makes me so angry I want to cry, kick and scream!! Anger mostly at myself for internalizing his self-serving distortions!! Anger at him for DOING this to me!!  And yet I can't yell, kick and scream at him because -- as we all know -- you can NEVER WIN with them.  They will TRUMP YOU every time!!

Sorry for this raw anger coming out in this post.  Please understand that this anger is coming out right now because of what I am going through and I know that you all will understand and accept it.

Take care all.
