Hi Bloopsy,
My heart goes out to you as you heal from this abysmal suffering.
I think you might find encouragement, strength and hope in one of the Anon groups for sexual addicts. SAnon or Co-Sa are for people who are healing (and reeling) from the effects of someone's out of control sexual behavour. You can find a sponsor who can guide you through your issues with sexual abuse, someone who understands, someone who knows. This can help as you go through therapy tremendously.
My family is very sexually deviant. I was not raped but could not have a happy life until I dealt with the far reaching effects of my childhood. My SAnon sponsor and the other women in my group made me feel accepted in a way I'd never known before. And because they had found a way out of their darkness, I came to trust that I could, too.
Smiles, hugs, and kleenexes,