Author Topic: Chronic complaining personality traits  (Read 22504 times)


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Re: Chronic complaining personality traits
« Reply #30 on: April 14, 2007, 10:08:56 PM »

I just don't know why people 'complain'. What good does it do?

It drags them down and drags down all their listeners.

I usually don't know what to do with a complainer!



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Re: Chronic complaining personality traits
« Reply #31 on: April 14, 2007, 10:49:11 PM »
I never heard my N complain. He calculated his every response to elicit exactly whatever emotion he desired. He saw complainers as weak. He was in control, and he did not EVER contemplate the things that he did not control as it was outside the arena of usefulness to him. He demanded, and instructed, and forced people to do his bidding, but never did he complain, it would have appeared that he was not in control if he complained. He would put people down, and attack their self worth and looks and intelligence to their face, but when they were out of site, they were out of mind usually, unless he was devising a plan of revenge or plot of some sort to benefit himself. How can an N invest his energy into someone who will not benefit his false ego? To complain is to admit that you are not the center of the universe and you are not in control.


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Re: Chronic complaining personality traits
« Reply #32 on: April 14, 2007, 11:06:51 PM »
My nmom doesn't complain about her life or anything to do with "her."  Her complaints are that people do not comply with her every whim.  She uses phrases like "I hate this computer" (because it is slow - how dare it?)  "These people who think they can hold me over a barrel, I'll show them....."  (about employees.....)

I find myself complaining because I feel like I am in a prison that I cannot escape from.  I hate this about me.  It is the negative energy my doc talked to me about.  I try to replace it with positive talk, etc. but sometimes I just feel so beaten down - like I am in a nightmare that I cannot wake up from.  So it is either anger, or complaining......

I want to get out of it and sometimes I feel like I am just about to get away and then my plans are dashed.  I don't get my coveted job.  I get sick and am bed ridden for two weeks.  So not only am I not proactive, but I have to go back two weeks and try to catch up with life (laundry, cleaning, etc.......)

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Chronic complaining personality traits
« Reply #33 on: April 15, 2007, 07:04:07 AM »
X complained a lot, but I think that was due to more borderline issues than to N ones.