Hey all,
I'm okay, truly. Bit bloooo was all, and now I'd say...azure. Brightening up.
Can't really do vacation, CB ($$) but I WILL have the time off work. I may do little
day trips or a weekend at a friend's. Most of all, I'll enjoy the peace and quiet.
Thanks everyone. I do think there's a lot of truth to feelings rising up when you
are relaxed or safe enough to feel them. Since that makes such good sense,
I'm finding it easier to just see them come up and not fixate.
Two nights in a row I've come home, gone out on the terrace with a cold
brew and a happy dog, and just rocked, looking at the treetops in the yard.
Did a church project until the lightning bugs came out. Listened to a baseball
game on the radio just because the sound was so homey, old-timey.
I am very easy to amuse with simple pleasures. It's nice!