Makes sense, WOAM, and welcome...
It's fantastic that you have a clear, true outline of what's happening.
You're repeating your feelings from your FOO (family of origin) in this group living situation.
That you now know that is like making a key.
You've been shaping it and sanding it.
There's an energy to placing the one piece of a jigsaw puzzle that suddenly makes a large area make sense. If you encourage it, that energy will build. The insights will come in. Eventually (I hope soon) you will recognize that not only is it painful to recycle all the FOO feelings, but it's...boring.
It may sound weird to say that anger and fear are boring. I mean it in the sense that our true whole selves are creative and wise and strong and loving (of ourselves, too). So after you recycle FOO for a can start wondering what else you might be doing with your precious life's energy and time if not that?
Anger and fear keep you adrenalized. It's hard to think clearly and hopefully about your life when adrenaline is squirting in your brain (or wherever it squirts). So maybe you could take some small actions to give yourself space and time to think calmly about next steps?
Sounds like that may need to be out of the house, where you feel lulled into a familiar heaviness that keeps you indolent about your own safety. Maybe walking in nature, sitting in an empty church, spending time with a large calm animal. Things like that can help you think. And people too...objective people outside the situation, could be supportive while you practice the small steps it will take.
Every step is a small step, in a way. When you break change down.