I want to apologize because you thought I meant to be hurtful. I didn't. And yes, I really do talk that way to people I meet in the real face-to-face world. I'm always sort of bitchy like that, not just in cyber-world.
I admit I jumped the gun. I really empathized with your daughter. I read your initial post over several times, and it still sounds to me as if you were expecting her to be sympathetic to you because of your bad marriage, in which she was also a victim. I see there are some issues between you and her and her step mother, which have upset you very much.
The main point I intended to make was, that was really not very good timing to bring up all these issues. I still remember how I felt for many weeks after my son was born--emotional, exhausted, and drained. NO way on earth could I have coped with anything ohtr than be basics of caring for him and myself. I still believe, and stand by my assertion, that you should have waited to bring up any issue ohter than the absolute adorableness of your new grand baby.