Hi Rosencrantz,
I see you keep returning to the abatoir! Hmm, why?..congrats however in coming out of it quicker.
It's not easy..in your post you say you had to cut the connection when you last spoke to you Nmom...perhaps you should cut the connection..cut the connection..There is no need to stop talking to your N mother unless you choose to do that..you can work on cutting the emotional connection. How Nic How?? I can almost feel the frantic energy you get into when you are disappointed by your N mother..well dare I say, change your mindset.
Wake up tomorrow morning and convince yourself, that is, your day to day self, that your mom is sick..not just elderly ( because in our society some elderly Ns use that as the ultimate excuse along with all the other ones

), as in lost her marbles completely sick.
I tried that with my parents and it's working now. It's my default mechanism the moment I feel guilt and shame at not having anything to do with them anymore. I see them as two out of control sick people, i visualize them in their own world ( sometimes a cage! yup!) , far from me where they can't reach me and hurt me anymore.
Rosie, I had to make a conscious decision that I couldn't/wouldn't take the abuse anymore. Freedom has no price, intellectually I know that..but somedays Freedom has a big price in my emotions, if i allow myself to go there..that's when the guilt and morose melancholy hit. I have to stop the tide of forty years of emotional abuse and voicelessness from rolling in. I push it back, back out to sea..back to where it belongs..the abyss that is the unhappy world of the Narcissist.
Some days, when I'm more cheerful about the whole thing, and I get a little bout of guilt and that awful foreboding feeling of doom..I picture Dame Edna Everidge ( you know her right?) when she tells her audience that she put her mother in a " maximum security twilight home"..and then I laugh and laugh until i've convinced myself that with my N parents, indeed within the confines of that horrible system is definetely NOT ( as in NO LONGER) where I want to be.
chin up and on with your REAL life, the one without the crap your N mother handed you..you're right She didn't do enough.But it's been quite enough! *arghh*
Try and tune it out now that you know what it feels like..turn down the volume of the N world and turn up the volume of your life of peace and joy to which you are fully entitled.
I don't think you're addicted to your mom's conflict and pain, no not you, a habit is easier to break than an addiction assuredly! Like all of us you've been programmed, press rewind and start again..easier said than done I know 'cos I've been there.
I was telling someone just this evening that in our talks together I now feel genuine and authentic, because I can relate completely to her situation as an ACON. It feels good to know that I am authentic and genuine and sincere because my parents spent forty years imposing their worldview on me, a worldview that excluded authenticity and genuineness. A nano- second of these two was never without retribution.
ciao again!