Hey GFN, welcome back (belatedly)
Glad you liked Mr. Foss's poem. I don't know much about the author -- he was American, a journalist and editor, mid to late 1800s.
But do you remember Charles Kuralt's human interest series (radio, then TV) called "On the Road"? He used to travel the back roads all over the country and report on ordinary people doing extraordinary things. He used this poem in a story about a woman who did just that - she lived in a house by the side of the road, and opened her kitchen to anyone in need of a good hot meal, pay what you can, if you can, or nothing.
Watching Mum on the board last night, kind of like a cyber Florence Nightingale (going here then there, late in the evening, with love and thoughtfulness) and thinking about her, then about everyone here who gives that way, the poem just came back and I could hear him reading it. Has to be twenty years ago! So I Googled it, and there you are.