hi mum

thanks for your patience and on the other threads.
"Anna: I just reread what I wrote, and I know I am hard to follow....bear with me, for if I edit too much, I will lose my passion and train of thought."
I understand you. i write that way too - 'stream of consciousness'.
"So are you ready for step two? (it involves taking your power back and no longer identifying yourself as a victim). Maybe you are not ready, and that's totally cool."
well.... yes.... i dont call myself a victim.... i feel i am a 'target'. and also a 'survivor'. that is alright. i am going to write in another post, what it is i think, that is making me be stuck. i have been working many years to unstick, this recent event really set me back a long way...... which in a way, p's me off more than anything! i had made so much progress... and then, this... will i never be free?
you know. im almost 40. im ready to be happy for once. i just want to be happy for -one- year of my life. how pathetic does that sound. ick.
all day i have thought about what you and GFN and the others have said. about being stuck and unstuck. i think that emotoins from the past are easier to let go of. they are not happening anymore.
its emotions from right now, that are more tricky and giving me more issues. also the fact that i have PTSD, i think probably makes my brain 'stickier' becuase thats the nature of ptsd..... you are 'triggered' and it ties all into past trauma and its difficult to separate it out. you said before, that when people know the entire picture of my life, they would understand my feelings better, and that is sooooooooo true. there have just been too many injuries over and over again, in a row with no healing in between.
i *want* to become unstuck. i have worked hard for years to do it. so, the groundwork is there and the discipline is there and the habits are there to slowly change myself. ive made miles of progress in the last years and miles in just the last few days. i just need to apply them to what is happening right now in the present. you guys are helping me see different angles to what is going on.
"In the meantime, I hope you will see, at least a glimpse, of how beautiful your life will be. It will happen. When you start seeing those little bits of light through the fog of your pain, you will find a path toward it........and then you can take little steps. I know it sounds so airy fairy...if you met me, you wouldn't think I was an airy fairy type at all (so you would really laugh) but I do believe in love...."
sometimes i see a time way in the future, when i might be free again. its not very often though. mostly i see needless destruction that i cant find an explanation for.

& it doesnt sound airy fairy! im the original airy fairy. i would never accuse you of that! > not me :} belief in love and positivity is the only reason im breathing today.
ok: thank you for your suggestions and encouragement. yes i am ready for step two. first though, i need to make it understood the whole picture... then i will start figuring out what parts of it can be let go.
thanks again for your patience.