Hiya Cadbury:
Now I have started putting him to the back of everything and taking action, I feel like I'm getting somewhere.
Thata girl Cadbury!!! He's silly and stupid anyhow.
I don't have to think that way any more.
You're sooooo right too!! You don't have to think anything. You can think whatever you want, however you want, whenever you want, and there isn't a thing he can do about it!!
So think away!! Imagine him stepping into a huge garbage can and the lid closing on him, locking shut, containing him forever. Or see him rolled up in a rug, carted away by a forklift, and then stacked with hundreds of others like him/it, in the high back shelf of a factory, with a sign posted over it: "Rejects--not for sale".
Your sweet beautiful little baby is coming soon!! That's what matters! That's what you can focus on.
Here's wishing you and baby a quick, safe, easy journey to eachother's arms. I bet your other kids are excited!!
Take care of you and baby, Cadbury, and all will be well!!