OOpsy OC
That could very well be.
"Walking on eggshells" is a sign of a bad relationship, generally labelled as an N relationship, because you can "never do anything right" and your self-esteem suffers. In truth you are doing everythig OK; he just wants to drive you crazy and get attention from you, negative or positive, and still have HIS own way, never yours.
All those guys sounds like Ns, losers anyway, and (what your Mom has done) your lack of self-esteem has make you 'ripe for the picking'.
I figured that out for me, just from the emotional abuse, bad or no boundaries, and inability to assert myself. Now that I am too old, I know me well.
Take heart
Kick 'em all to the curb, beat your chest and yell, "I am woman. Hear me roar!."
Take care