Persephone gave me an idea to pass on to sunblue and others who might feel their dreams have been taken away ... there are assessments out there like the Myers-Briggs (I think you can find it and take it online) that you answer questions about things you like and don't like, and it gives you your personality type and the kinds of things most people with your personality type go into for a career or whatever.
Sunblue, I know from what you've written that this is not really what you meant when you talk about "dreams" ... I hear you mourning the loss of a family of your own. From my understanding, the loss of a dream is not so much about career or activity as it is relationships. I didn't want you to think when I posted the above idea that I was misunderstanding what you were saying. Or, maybe I did misunderstand and you can correct me.
One of the things I personally am PASSIONATE about is never thinking I am too old to pursue whatever it is I dream of. I think this comes from a youth where my mind was in a little box (of my parents' making, probably) and I could not conceptualize anything outside of that box. I am now out of that box and I refuse to think that there is anything that I desire to do (that is good) that I am too old to pursue. If I'm not dead, then it's possible!!!
I know that nature has a threshold beyond which you can't create a family in the traditional way. But as we all on the forum know, the "traditional" family isn't always the greatest thing anyway. Perhaps when you have given yourself enough time to grieve over your losses, you then will come out the other side and find a new and creative way to craft a family of your own. I think it's possible, no matter how old you are.