Hi Erin,
Yes, I get the same as you do, although, thankfully, I haven't experienced anything like this for about a year now. I re-experience the whole thing in different bits - sometimes I get clear memory but it's like watching a film, there's no emotion, feeling or sensation there at all. Other times I get the sensation - I can feel him in the room, I can sense him in the air, I can smell him standing next to my bed. I get the physical stuff in different bits - the sharp, stabbing pains that you describe, a weight on my chest that stops me from breathing, hands on my mouth, hands on my throat. I get a choking sensation sometimes, like something is being forced into my mouth. Sometimes I just experience sheer terror - so frightened I genuinely can't do anything and all my mind keeps saying is "don't let him get me, don't let him get me".
I don't know why I haven't had it for a while. Maybe I've processed some of it, I don't know. I've written about it a lot, talked about it, I suppose I've kind of accepted it as a way for my body to get things out that are trapped in there. I don't know if that makes any sense? I use a lot of things like flower remedies and homeopathy - I'm very into that kind of natural healing. It seems to help me.
Sorry I haven't any sure fire cures for you. Twoapenny ((()))