I used to write here about my radar searching for the signal to tune into, the signal of fear and anxiety, rejection, failure, etc., etc. I was trained to it. I remember many of those lessons, explicitly taught by my father in very young childhood. If I weren't sufficiently afraid he would tell me with clenched jaw, "I'll give you something to be afraid of." And he always delivered on that promise - until the state was permanent or the search for the anxiety channel autonomic.
Now, years after he left this earth, after 10 or more years of longing, hoping to move out of the fear factor, I find myself closer, closer still to that ultimate goal. The light at the end of the tunnel is no longer a pin prick, nor even small enough to be obscured by a quarter or half-dollar. Along with the light, with the end of the tunnel insight I have hope, not certainty, but hope.
With all of this comes some clarity about my role in my own exclusion and rejection and while it pains me to my core, it does not lay me flat. It does not even trigger even a tiny paroxysm of shame, only a twinge of regret. But there is no time or need to nurture that sorrow. And in many ways I have already grieved it. No really, at this point, I have to keep my eyes focused forward, not knowing what the future will bring in relationships nor in any area of my life. But I do know it will be something rich and comforting.
I am, miraculously, not without friends but I have lost those friends of childhood and that connection with the families and friends in which I grew up which I never intended to completely step outside of. As an adult I have longer, struggled, strived to step back in. Thinking, " if I get this right, succeed here, am part of this group, attend this event, blah, blah, blah." That was the wrong struggle. But the pain was so enormous, the greatest fear of rejection was hitting me from every point of life and I didn't know how to "be" in its midst. The rejection evoking such agony and resentment which incurred more rejection. It was so vicious a cycle. And the anxiety triggered was insurmountable, everything fusing together, binding, devastating, paralyzing. Little sprouts of hope would find space to rise and I would make commitments to be a part of something and then paralyzed by the fear of failure and resulting rejecting fail to follow through heaping up yet more failure, rejection and shame. Week after week, year another year, decade on decade.
And then, tiny rays broke through, illuminating bits and pieces of the path out. And those bits and pieces and not dependent on acceptance of others. I have known, could see, for several years, that I was caught in a hamster wheel of a sense of dependence on someone, something outside of myself in spite of knowing that was the wrong perspective. I couldn't extricate myself. But somehow, with perseverance, I find myself beyond that trap. I am not free but I am on a path.
And the journey has enough of a pattern that I know I have stepped into a new realm and that the chokehold of the profound, omnipresent, paralyzing anxiety is about to be broken. And when it finally is, I will have a freedom to pursue the things from which I have been stymied for so long.
I have found increasing relief in Jon Kabat Zinn's loving Kindness meditation. In that meditation I can see myself clothed in love and acceptance and feel the grip of anxiety loosen. Sometimes only fleeting but I can repeat the experience over and over again. And then when anxiety grips again I can recall that meditation and find release. Over and over and over this repeats: anxiety grips, I recall the meditation and feel release/relief. At first it works with only the least germain of anxiety triggers and only fleetingly. But with repetition, the relief comes with greater duration and for more significant triggers.