That's so true, Hops. They aren't pleased, and to me it feels like an act of aggression. It's partially my NEEEEED for everyone to be OK... I get that my interpretation is the problem. Not the response.
What's new about people not being pleased is.....I have no interest in explaining, or helping them understand.
Instead I'm paying attention to any boundary stomping I MIGHT BE DOING which helps me hold compassion for them, but.... I don't think I can fix them, or soften the blow of my dropping that rope.
I tend to turn away when my boundaries are stomped, and just end the conversation, interaction, whatever.... they'll get the message, or they'll fade away.
I suppose it's likely my turning away is seen as violence. I don't know where I read that silence is the most violent thing you can do to someone..... paraphrasing there, but it changed the way I view anyone giving the cold shoulder to anyone else....... not my style typically to give the cold shoulder. It's not my intention when I break off contact with people crossing boundaries... it's a little confusing right now.
I used to be very careful about letting people know I wasn't leaving a conversation unfinished... just taking a break from it..... I don't know that I do that anymore.
I think I'm more likely to end the discussion without acknowledging I'm aware of their displeasure, hence... not needing them to understand, or agree.... give me permission.... make me feel OK about their response. And that wasn't always possible. It's a relief to at least wrap my mind around it, and be able to turn away.... at least for a moment of peace. If they don't understand now, they likely can't or never will, and I can be OK with that too. It's better to choose withdrawal with love, and receive peace.... better than letting them cross boundaries and enduring. Better than feeling guilty, and responsible and guilty.
Now that DD16 is coming home.... I have to revisit my people pleasing behaviors, and really work on building the relationship I want to have with her, sans my need to please/fix/make everyone OK. From her research and healing journey she's identified me as a bit like a man... I try to FIX things when she vents to me. I can't just listen. Well... I'm working on it.
I'm aware I haven't finished processing some aspects of past damage in our relationship. I want to move forward fresh, and be very confident it's behind us. She doesn't want to be part of that process, which makes me sad. I'll figure out how to do it, and how to feel OK about her not wanting to be a part of it, but.... she's been utilizing ritual at her Boarding school, and I thought it would be a wonderful thing for us to sort out together... I felt she would have some great ideas about how to do it. She doesn't. At least not now.
I'm paying attention to my neeeeed, and to her responses so I don't cross boundaries with her. She's not responsible for how I feel, and I have to be mindful about not feeling responsible for how she feels.
Oh dear... this is how change happens. In mulled over increments of hard won territories, and that's OK.
And Tupp.... I think you'd love my Snoopie dance. I think you'd do one too
My youngest dd14 can be counted on for one of two responses....
she joins in
recoils in mortification, depending on mood.
She helped me in the yard today. I feel as though I'm gaining some ground in the yard of mossy heaven (to be.) DD wrestled with two big wheelbarrows of mulch and only squeaked twice when a spider, and then a little green, worm crawled on her.
She would have freaked out if a cicada had landed on her. They're all over the place, and LOUD.... at first I thought the buzz might be in my head... no one was talking about it. They're not the beautiful big green ones I'm used to. They're little black fly looking things with beady read eyes. I thought the yard had been churned up in places by the moles, but alas.... it's the plague of the cicadas.
::scratch scratch scratch::..
Today I've determined the moles are no longer my friends. I found the pug nudging a dead one, AND they're likely the reason my ailing ground cover is ailing around the porch.
::going to read the label on the grub killer::
Maybe I'll just do the beds.... you wouldn't believe the size and number of grubs in my yard. SO many.... so fat.
::scratch scratch scratch::
I have to admit I screamed like a little girl when a cicada flew by my face and landed on my shoulder.
They really look like BIG evil flies.